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Olympic Fancy Dress Do.........Curling
wombat - 11/2/14 at 07:43 PM

Ok so we have an Olympic themed party on Saturday, we are going as the curling team and have matching red polo shirts and multi-coloured chefs trousers (as per current games). But we need a curling stone"..........
Any ideas how I can make one?
Preferably on casters or similar so we can throw it".............

Smokey mow - 11/2/14 at 07:54 PM

Round tupperware tub or biscuit tin with a cupboard handle screwed to the top?

Canada EH! - 11/2/14 at 07:54 PM

Just run up the road and steal one from the Scots.

andrew.carwithen - 11/2/14 at 08:26 PM

Traditional whistling kettle (filled with stones)?

Sommat like this? ories&hash=item58a5c4a582

andrew.carwithen - 12/2/14 at 07:28 PM

Actually, this 'uns more curling stone-shaped 2%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D286%26meid%3D4789846994711917700%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D1048%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D380738250114%26