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Two coal mines to close
jacko - 2/4/14 at 05:14 PM

Its just been on the news up to 2000 jobs to go

[Edited on 2/4/14 by jacko]

[Edited on 2/4/14 by jacko]

big-vee-twin - 2/4/14 at 05:50 PM

As an ex-miner I find that really sad.

We have 300 years of coal under our feet and buy energy from Russia!

splitrivet - 2/4/14 at 05:57 PM

Hacks me off, p1ss poor management (from the government down) and short termism have wrecked this country and they havent learnt a sodding thing.

SteveWalker - 2/4/14 at 06:02 PM

We've far more than 300 years worth, there was a story yesterday that they have found huge deposits under the North Sea. Unfortunately with the push for lower CO2 emissions, we'll not be able to use it until some sort of CO2 capture system is in place.

spaximus - 2/4/14 at 06:07 PM

And yet Germany is opening two huge coal fired power stations as they did not want anymore nuclear.
Coal is a viable fuel as it can be turned into many elements that are used as fuel. When South Arfica was under sanctions for their aparthied views, they cocked a snoot at the world and turned their vast coal reserve into petrol and aviation fuel with no problems.
We are ruled by the people who either want us back to the dark ages or those who are making huge money from selling into the green market.

coozer - 2/4/14 at 06:17 PM

Wearmouth Colliery had developed a site 22 miles out under the north sea where there is a massive 120 square mile field that is 9 feet thick...

When I was there in the late 80's the roadways were complete and development of the first 2 faces had begun..

Now theres a nice shiny football stadium there and I wonder how many of the frequent 42,000 who go there realise the shafts are still there, just capped off?

Slimy38 - 2/4/14 at 06:22 PM

Huh? We've got the whole country up in arms because of fracking, yet a similar abundant resource underground is being left behind?

steve m - 2/4/14 at 06:27 PM

It is a shame to waste such a commodity and on our doorsteps, but it is all cost driven
and its cheaper for some country on the other side of the world to send it here.
But as they pay there staff 33p a and a bowl of rice a day, we cant blame them !

perhaps we should import all these workers and give them 99p and two bowls of rice a day as they would all be on the next plane here,

OOOOpppss, they are here, but we give them houses, free NHS, benefits etc, which in turn means we pay more tax, which means we have to earn more, which means the Miners we do have want more money,

so we return to the first paragraph !!

So why don't we pay our Miners a bloody good wage, and keep all the money in this country, not some third world slave driving country

And send all the scroungers back home


big-vee-twin - 2/4/14 at 07:05 PM

We used to make our own gas from coal before we discovered North sea gas.

davidimurray - 2/4/14 at 07:06 PM

Surely shutting down the coal mines can only be a good thing as it will stop all those nasty coal fired power stations. In the meantime we can drive around in our clean non polluting electric cars ......... P.s where does that electric come from ?

Ever noticed how the news always shows cooling towers and then goes on about the pollution-not the nice clean water vapour coming out of it. Kids now think cooling towers pollute!

perksy - 2/4/14 at 09:56 PM

Sad day for the coal industry and the folks this will affect

Have nothing but respect for Miners, Its always looked a bloody hard job to me so i hope something can be sorted out for them

02GF74 - 5/4/14 at 08:03 AM

it is bad news for those that work there but ultimately are you willing to pay 10x for your electric bill to subsidise the uk coal?

bad management or not, it is down to cost. we consumers want to pay as little as possible so if power compaines buy cheap cola from abroad, then that is what happens, no different to what happened to our car industry

Simon - 5/4/14 at 09:13 AM

Originally posted davidimurray

...shows cooling towers and then goes on about the pollution-not the nice clean water vapour coming out of it. Kids now think cooling towers pollute!

Well, technically they do - if you're into all the gw scaremongering. Water vapour is far more effective than co2 as an insulating gas - check temperature benefits of a cloudy night. But they can't tax water vapour because that would stop people putting their clothes on the washing line to dry. And there's 25 - 100 as much water in the atmosphere than co2 at any one time .....

As for the miners, I think they do earn a good wage, and that's the dilemma.

