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RIP Richard Attenborough
Ben_Copeland - 24/8/14 at 09:49 PM

Just seen it on sky news....

Actor and director, he's died at age 90.

[Edited on 24/8/14 by Ben_Copeland]

bi22le - 24/8/14 at 11:40 PM

I have said it once I'll say it again. The worst thing about having amazing idols, actors, sportsman and others in your life when growing up is that they will die before you.

Thanks for making cinematic history and putting the English accent in American films!

R I P.

Matt21 - 25/8/14 at 02:53 AM

Its sad that such a great guy has passed away...

but, my goodness what a successfull life he has lead!


britishtrident - 25/8/14 at 07:02 AM

The Yanks had John Wayne winning WW2 and we had Richard Attenbourgh playing all those very ordinary British heroes, in real life he flew several missions over occupied Europe and Nazi Germany filming Bomber Command in action.
As the director he gave us Ghandy and Oh What a Lovely War both significant works.

I can't but be reminded of Trigger in Fools and Horses on Ghandy. " Yeah one great film and you never saw him again."

Andi - 25/8/14 at 09:11 AM

RIP to Leicesters finest
