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The 12 avatar boobs of Xmas.
splitrivet - 25/12/14 at 08:09 PM

Merry Crimble guys, bit late I'm afraid been trying to include a Gif in main body of text as well, but given up as I'm off my face on vodka.

myke pocock - 25/12/14 at 10:52 PM

Sod 12, one will do!!!!!

splitrivet - 26/12/14 at 04:42 PM

OK day 2, off me face on American IPA today.

snakebelly - 26/12/14 at 05:21 PM

splitrivet - 26/12/14 at 08:08 PM

Dag nabbit Snakebelly Ive been trying to upload that all day.

[Edited on 26/12/14 by splitrivet]

Texan - 26/12/14 at 09:28 PM

Must think about cars.

I must think about cars.

But you guys are making it hard (pun intended).

Agriv8 - 27/12/14 at 12:51 AM

Originally posted by snakebelly

Ding dong

Enough said agriv8

splitrivet - 27/12/14 at 08:08 PM

Day 3