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CCTV advise please.
owelly - 19/3/15 at 10:25 PM

I'm looking for a way to cover my property with CCTV. It's a three bedroom semi with an integral garage, a yard and drive out the front next to the street and a big garden at the back.
The village I live in is pretty secluded but still attracts a lot of visitors. It seems as though some of these visitors like to pop back during the dark hours and take stuff. The neighbours have had stuff stolen from out of garden sheds, the village shop got burgled a couple of days ago. There has been a few instances where it would seem that local knowledge has been involved. A bloke had three similar sheds in his back garden but the crims took the door off the only one with his motorbikes in.
I'm not made of money but I can't afford to have some git rob my gear. I appreciate that CCTV will be no deterrent if the robbers have balaclavas or hoods up but given the footfall past my house, I'd be able to pinpoint any strangers casing the joint! I'm wanting to light the front and rear of the house with PIR LED floodlamps mounted high on the house walls and also try to install some sort of CCTV/recorder. Four cameras would cover the house, yard and garden. But when looking for kit, I get bemused!!
Any recommendations??

perksy - 19/3/15 at 10:46 PM

You'll also need to display warning signs I'm afraid advising that you are using cctv

You have to advise potential burglars that they are likely to be filmed, Might sound daft but that's what a fried was advised when he installed his system...

scott h - 19/3/15 at 11:23 PM

I got a kit from Ebay but I have since found out that Maplins do a good range to suit all budgets so I would suggest a visit there. My kit has 3 cameras running 24/7 and a 300Gb hard drive recorder which lasts about 3 weeks before either I wipe it or it will do it automatically ( the danger with that is you may want to view something so best to keep a check)

My cameras are sony night vision but to be honest it's poor in the dark so I have PIR lights that come on then it's fine. The system also has a motion detect but again not so good, so I run it 24/7 but with the quality set to medium to take less room on the hard drive and it works fine.

The main points.
1. The cameras come in different quality expressed as TVL. Mine are 700 TVL and I think more would be a waste of money and use more memory. They are Sony which seem to be the best and I bought one to add to the original two in November for £20 on Ebay.

2. Get at least a 300Gb hard drive, as I said three cameras on med quality 24/7 will last 3 or 4 weeks.

3. Make sure you can transfer recordings to a memory stick or some other device so that you can keep important recordings.

Hope that helps, Scott.

owelly - 20/3/15 at 12:34 AM

Thanks for the replies.
So what's the difference between this sort of stuff:

and the cheapy Chinese stuff on Ebay? Thus:

scott h - 20/3/15 at 01:01 AM

The one I have is similar to this but this has a lot more memory. &_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3D86ff3436097f4509840c1b61736f89c9%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3 D6%26sd%3D261559279162&rt=nc

I recommend Sony cameras.

owelly - 20/3/15 at 04:38 AM

Thanks Scott. The one in your link has no memory included but they can supply it. I wonder how their recorder compares to the other cheap stuff on Ebay?

HowardB - 20/3/15 at 06:58 AM

I bought a 4 camera maplin system, it works well at night and during the day. I have the cameras mounted at 20' up and they still give good images.

I printed some warning notices and stuck them in the windows,... local plod says that is ok.


joneh - 20/3/15 at 06:59 AM


You won't need signs on a domestic property as it's not covered by the DPA.

Sony cameras on eBay only refer to the CCD, they'll still be cheap shite from China. If you're on a budget take a look in your local maplins, at least if it's naff you can take it back. If you can spend a bit more Genie CCTV make excellent analogue cameras. The Korean stuff is yards better than anything out of China. Worth either finding a Genie dealer or getting some Genie kit from the bay.


owelly - 20/3/15 at 07:24 AM

Thanks again for the replies.
The Genie kit is a lot more than the cheapy stuff. Any burglers would be more likely to nick the cameras than anything else I have at my place!!
I'm aware of the DPA regs for CCTV and the storage of images and I'm sure I have it covered. I'll be fitting signs once the cameras are up as th'll be more of a deterrent than the CCTV!!
My local Maplins is an hour away so I may mail order some. If it turns out to be a load of old minge, I'll return it!

HowardB - 20/3/15 at 07:26 AM

I put up the signs as they are as much of a deterrent as anything else,...

snapper - 20/3/15 at 07:43 AM

If you just want a deterant any old CCTV system will do
If you actually want a recording good enough to recognise "who done it" that's a whole new ball game
Most cheap systems are 480x320
Most computer monitor display at 72 pixels per inch
You'll need good resolution cameras at least 720 lines more would be better
Don't forget a wide angle camera covering the garden will only have a few lines and pixels covering the face

AntonUK - 20/3/15 at 08:01 AM

I got a Dahua based DVR (got good reviews for the money, linux based) and some sony 700TVL camera a couple of years ago. Very impressed with the quality.

It been running ever since without a hitch.

All purchased from

rdodger - 20/3/15 at 09:35 AM

I was looking into this a while ago. Camera placement was a big deal if you want to catch the baddies.

If you have a shed/garage at risk, a camera inside facing the door at a height to catch the face as you enter is a winner. It was advised cameras up high looking over a large area weren't much good for recognition and should be supplemented by lower more focused cameras.

dubzter - 20/3/15 at 10:11 AM

I was involved in a 15 camera setup on a commercial property and the equipment was from these guys. It was pretty generic but the video quality was superb. Worth a look.

Edit - Just to add the system I setup was all done over a computer network with Power over Ethernet. Could be setup to be viewed live or the recordings from any internet connected device.

[Edited on 20/3/15 by dubzter]

beaver34 - 20/3/15 at 10:43 AM

im also looking for a 4 camera kit so ill keep my eye on this thread before buying

spiderman - 20/3/15 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by beaver34
im also looking for a 4 camera kit so ill keep my eye on this thread before buying

Me too.

Agriv8 - 20/3/15 at 04:28 PM

I have 2 foscam cameras that take pictures and post these to my nas drive. Also connect to them remotely.

You do not legally need warning for a personal property you do for commercial property.

Talking to police after I was done over an alarm and secure door locks were upgraded. The cctv is a deterrent because they are more likley to go where there is not any.

Regards Agriv8

02GF74 - 20/3/15 at 07:03 PM

Alarm the premises.

Got swann system, maplin sell them as does ebay. 700 cameras are ok in daylight but not so good for id purposes.

If the faces of the crims cannot be seen, police wont do anything even if it can be seen in the same clothing with the same handbag worn in exactky the same way.

splitrivet - 22/3/15 at 10:53 AM

I fit CCTV as well as Phone systems if you want an 8 channel 1 TB DVR and 4 hdcvi cameras and PSU the kit comes without cables but you are better wiring with baluns and CAT5 which I can sort as well for not much money. All is commercial quality Qvis equipment not Maplin rubbish, to Locost builders £280, send me a u2u and I'll email the data sheets over.

splitrivet - 23/3/15 at 02:15 PM

With regard to your first question Owelly all down to quality, most of the cheap stuff Ive removed the cameras had failed due to water getting into them, 6 months seems to be the average before they spring a leak,IR's fail, PSU's pop and hard drives fall over.

Swann gear does seem to have got better over the years compared to their earlier stuff but I doubt whether you'd see the cameras supplied in their kits lasting much over 12 months, then of course you'd go and buy one of their better made replacement camera's and pay more than if you had have bought a quality camera to start with !

Hard drives are a major fail point as well, the cheapy stuff use some weird Chinese makes whereas Qvis etc use Western Digital Purple which are specifically designed for the job of CCTV, bearing in mind these are whirring away 24/7 and the cost of a decent replacement hard drive can be getting up to the cost of a DVR dont forget the manufacturers by these by the 1000's .

Commercial gear such as Qvis/Dahua or Genie is usually fitted by contractors such as myself so if that failed on a regular basis we wouldnt be happy bunnies.

Chinese supplied dvr's/cameras are very vague about picture quality from one supplier they are D1 and from another they are 960h they dont give specs on the cameras/DVR's themselves so really you dont know what your getting, they dont tell you the IP rating either.

The Sentient unit in your link is a rebadged Qvis/Dahua bit of kit which is the same as the one I'm offering, Sentient call the format HDA (high definition analogue) Qvis call it HDCVI its the equivelant of a IP camera but can be wired with co-ax cable whereas an IP camera requires CAT5 cable and usually power over ethernet. They are very good quality images as good as an IP system but much better priced. The units can also be programmed to accept standard analogue cameras if you adjust the resolution on the DVR.

If you want to see faces then IP or HDCVI is the way to go, the definition is so much clearer but camera placement does play a big part, sticking a camera 20ft up a wall will give a good general view but you wont see much definition unless you are using varifocal cameras when you can tune the camera to show a specific area.

My supplier is currently offering a 4 Channel 320Gb kit for £185 plus P&P with 2 cameras and PSU/cables at the moment which is commercial quality, additional cameras can be easily added, if enough LCBers get together I can perhaps do a bulk deal on this and the other kit.


Matt21 - 25/3/15 at 03:26 PM

my dad got a camera off ebay (probably from china) cost around £20-30
and the quality is amazing!

He has some software that records it automatically when it detects movement, and you can select the area you want it to cover and ignore the rest

in total it cost him next to nothing!

I'll try and find some more details for you