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Any teachers on here?
tegwin - 15/1/16 at 12:45 PM

I appreciate some of you may not want to let on what your day job is but I know there are a couple of you who work in schools on here.

I am contemplating a change in direction and going into teaching. The ideal would be to teach D&T but I would get a considerably larger "golden handshake" if I train to teach Physics. (GCSE and A-Level)

I really enjoy teaching and have a passion for sharing my enthusiasm of engineering and science.... There seems to be an awful lot of negative comments floating about the internet from unhappy teachers that rather puts me off. Loads of comments about it not being about the teaching but about ticking boxes and meeting targets etc. Long days, poor pay etc etc.

I'd quite like to hear from any teachers about the good/bad sides of their jobs and hear if they would recommend their profession to others?

nick205 - 15/1/16 at 01:01 PM

My sister is a teacher in animal science in Shropshire. Her viewpoint is biased by having young kids so she enjoys the hours it provides, but has commented that the job involves a lot of faffing about filling in forms and making sure kids are looked after. On balance I would say she likes the teaching, but perhaps didn't realise the level of work involved in the job.

cliftyhanger - 15/1/16 at 01:03 PM

Me. Well, I have been doing supply for 15 years now, but did 10 years full time.
I trained as a science teacher, and that is what I did (good results too) but only GCSE as I never had ambition. By choice.

Going back into school I see there are amazing youg people taking up teh profession and doing a great job. I couldn't go back full time as I CBA with all the new stuff, I am old fashioned and like a whiteboard and pen (better still blackboard and chalk!)
However, the basics haven't changed one bit. It is all about them and you, and the relationship. Good teachers get respect and so on, and enjoy that side. Poor teachers hate standing in front of the class.
However, the who thing has become more tick-box orientated. When I left I was still doing minimal marking, but I knew accurately what each kid would get. Nowadays it is almost entirely tick-boxes, which don't give an accurate prediction (despite what many will say)

The key though is you. I suggest you get some experience in school before committing to training. I gather many PGCE courses etc like you to have worked in a school as a TA or similar prior to training, and for good reason.

Strong pluses have always been good holidays, reasonable pay (but not fantastic) and the sheer joy teaching can bring. But it does not suit everybody!

garyo - 15/1/16 at 05:10 PM

That's my anecdotal experience* too - it's not the teaching you need to worry about, it's the 60% of your time that you don't spend teaching...

You need to find a way of going in to it with your eyes open. Can you find a way of spending time with people that teach the subjects and age groups that you're targeting, and get an off-the-record feel for what's actually involved?

*From around seven friends, some of which have stuck with it and love it, other than have thrown the towel in with frustration.

[Edited on 15/1/16 by garyo]

myke pocock - 15/1/16 at 08:32 PM

Have you thought of going into further education rather than secondary? It would depend on your experience and knowledge that I dont know. I have worked in HE, FE and secondary and am suprised at the lack of in depth knowledge I have come across in some DT teachers. Some appear to go in to it with prior experience that is not necessarily relevant. They may know the process of teaching but can they actually TEACH the subject. Its not only the non contact time thats tick box, some of the time its student facing that is just tick box also.

Badger_McLetcher - 15/1/16 at 09:51 PM

I've got a couple of mates who teach; the older one (about 65) regularly warns people off starting teaching, the younger one (about 30) is quite sanguine about it, though she mainly does science teaching supply at GCSE.

Both of them agree that it's drowning in bureaucracy, Ofsted is a useless witch hunt machine and I daren't even mention the name Gove around them lol.

trextr7monkey - 15/1/16 at 11:34 PM

Hi Tegwin I think it depends on what you want from life. Teaching is great so long as you get out of bed every day looking forward to going to work! As has been mentioned recording report writing and OFSTED can be a nuisance but if you can find your niche it's very rewarding.
I have taught older kids at Agricultural Colleges, Early Years and infants as well as secondary in a sink school and now a private school. I have taught physics, ICT, business studies and DT so lots of variety but all enjoyable.I have taught DT for about 15 years now and while some of the kids are obsessed with laser cutting and 3D printing we still make Macintosh chairs , funky tables and rocking horses, dolls houses and boxes. I have never thought of changing jobs and enjoy the banter in the workshops the freedom of not being tied to the national curriculum and the use of the facilities for hobby use as those on here who we have done turning jobs appreciate.
I'm not sure if I'm typical but if you want to discuss anything feel free to get in touch.