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Must watch BBC4!!
coozer - 18/5/16 at 03:59 PM

Tonight at 00:45 on BBC4...

Madness on Wheels: Rallyings craziest years.

Its where my avatar came from

daniel mason - 18/5/16 at 04:59 PM

The footage of that crash in Portugal is hard to was always going to happen

Toprivetguns - 18/5/16 at 06:41 PM

I never knew how hardcore group B rally was until I watched this. Reminded me of the Senna years.

Irony - 18/5/16 at 07:00 PM

Totally worth watching but made me quite cross. One bloke in the documentary is quite angry and bitter that the organisers let him get run over. Most people wouldn't stand where he stood, I call it common sense....

nick205 - 19/5/16 at 08:33 AM

I didn't watch it, but have watched Grp B before and it was pretty full on - Yes, the cars were mad, but IMHO the spectators didn't help themselves and should have been reigned in a bit before it was banned.

morcus - 19/5/16 at 08:36 PM

Tame people made a few similar documentaries, all of them about motorsports and all of them very interesting.

I might have missed some but the ones I can remember were;

the 55 Le Mans Crash (Can't remember the title), Grand Prix the killer years, Madness in the Desert (About the Paris Dakar) and not entirely sure if it was the same team but a similar format one on the 76 F1 season focussing on Hunt and Lauder.

All of them have been on BBC4 so worth keeping a look out to see if they get played again.