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Enquiring minds need to know ...
Sven - 21/1/05 at 11:48 AM

... well me anyway ... anyone know the origin of the very apt Badgeram monikah for YKW?


mookaloid - 21/1/05 at 01:31 PM

I have an enquiring mind and I'd just like to know what the ***K you are talking about

Considerably - 21/1/05 at 01:56 PM

Received wisdom (I use the word carefully in these parts) is that all Caterham owners only bought one because of the BADGE.

Caterham. Badgeram. Geddit ?

Just like we could say -


Alez - 21/1/05 at 02:58 PM

Image deleted by owner

First row!

jollygreengiant - 21/1/05 at 04:40 PM

I think we are getting close to jellybabies at dawn,

To quote that great radio show, The Navy Lark. - " Everybody duck" (CPO pertwee says when Lt leslie phillips gets behind the ships wheel. [thats for benefit of those that no doubt have never heard of 'The Navy Lark'])

Oh & I haven't even got a chassis YET. that gets collected tommorow.

Sven - 24/1/05 at 07:15 AM

Originally posted by mookaloid
I have an enquiring mind and I'd just like to know what the ***K you are talking about

Now you know what the f@&k I was talking about, eh?
