Looking at my profile picture, it occurred to me that the car was written off about 8 years ago, the place it's sat was built over 6 years ago,
and the garage demolished and rebuilt last year! Might be time to update.
Nice to see familiar names still here though. Some forums like difflock have completely died.
Hi Joe nice to see you back
Same Jacko, hope life's treating you well.
How many of us have still got the same car.
I'm at 18 years.
23 years, but only 10 years on the road
Only done 50 miles so far this year.
MK Indy in my profile pic built, SVA, driven then sold some years ago. As with many, kids and an MPV came along. Integral garage cinverted to a
bedroom (cheaper than moving), so "man cave" gone for the time being. Head injury and epilepsy stops driving, so it's walk, bus and
Life rolls on.
As does this forum, which is always a great place to come for car chat and general life experience IMHO.
Originally posted by roadrunner
How many of us have still got the same car.
I'm at 18 years.
Originally posted by 40inches
23 years, but only 10 years on the road
Only done 50 miles so far this year.
Fitted a Hardtop and heater. Toasty
Interesting drive on semi slicks and 3 degrees
I've had mine on the road since 2009, 15,500 miles so far, including about 150 chilly miles this year.
Hi Joel!
I'm still here too.
3x kids, a do-er up-er house, kickboxing and an awful (and time consuming job) rather get in the way of the car getting back on the road.
Hi James! I'm impressed you're still doing the kick boxing!
Kids really do turn things upside down. For a while they'd ruined everything, but now I have great fun playing fortnite tournaments with them!
Still here along with the car which is 17 years on the road now.
Just added a couple more along the way!
made me check on mine and it looks like i've been lurking here for 16 years, blimey.
lots of cars have come and gone in that time.
Got out for a drive at the weekend. A bit muddy though.
It always amazes me how good bike carbs are. The car sat all winter and starts and drives like its injected.
[Edited on 15/3/23 by SJ]
Well, it's been a long time for me too. I started about 2002 and sold the car a year or so later, then got it back in 2021 and had to completely
strip it back and start again, finally got it IVA'd in early 2022. This last winter is a time for an engine change to try and make my car not a
sprint machine and more drive-able in normal ways.