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no seatbelt!
chriscook - 7/2/05 at 11:26 PM

What happens without a seatbelt on..

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/2/05 at 11:30 PM

hOLY ***8

Steve&Steve - 7/2/05 at 11:57 PM


Ben_Copeland - 7/2/05 at 11:58 PM

OUCH !!!!!!!!

chunkielad - 8/2/05 at 01:08 AM

The camera was well attached!!!

Not very clever, firstly you don't ear a seatbelt, secondly you drive with one am over the passenger seat and thirdly you bother more about the camera than where you are driving.

Silly silly man!!!

James - 8/2/05 at 02:43 PM

Why was he filming himself driving?

Also appeared to be half asleep- look at his eyes at the beginning.



nick baker - 8/2/05 at 03:14 PM

Are narcolepsy sufferers allowed to Zzzzzzzzzzz

MikeR - 8/2/05 at 03:33 PM

can't help thinking it must be fake cause ...... why would you film yourself driving, especially when that tired.....

But, he moved pretty violently and that isn't going to be easy to fake.

I can testify as to the benefit of seat belts and air bags after being a car that rolled before christmas. Our smash must have been as violent as that and I walked away with hardly a scatch.

stephen_gusterson - 8/2/05 at 07:54 PM

i always wear a seat belt, but not wearing one once prob saved my life.

I hit a tree 25 years ago in a mini. belt was broken. I got thrown out of the car. if i hadnt, my legs would have been gone as the engine came all the way back to the seats



JoelP - 8/2/05 at 08:12 PM

he broke the window with his head!!! devastated...

subk2002 - 8/2/05 at 10:32 PM

That must a hurt

Volvorsport - 9/2/05 at 12:24 AM

thats been doing the rounds for about a year now .

It was a new system that when it detected a high enough G force the last 20 seconds of the cam were saved to memory to help in accident investigation , worked in this case .

It was something like that IMHO