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Road Tax
Hellfire - 22/6/05 at 11:30 AM

With Insurance sorted, I turn up at Post Office with all paperwork including a PDF of the insurance cover note.

Cashier: "Is this a fax?"
Me: "Nope. Form says no faxed copies"
Cashier: "Is this a photocopy?"
Me: "Nope. Form says no photocopys"
Cashier: "How have you got it then"
Me: "Its a PDF sent to me direct from Insurance company"
Cashier: "Mmmmm. I'll have to ring the helpline, I haven't come across this before"


Cashier: "I can't accept this. It isn't a legal document"
Me: "Thats what the Insurance company sent me in order to get tax"
Cashier: "No sorry. I've been told by DVLA it isn't a legal document. Sorry"

Aaarggghhh. Can somebody just remind me what century we live in. All this bleeding technology at our fingertips and post office can't even sort out a tax disc.

Just had a thought, I'll try a different Post Office and if they ask me how I received the cover note, I'll tell em the truth..... through the mail...... Keep you posted.

shades - 22/6/05 at 12:08 PM

Apparently you can get the tax over the internet these days. Not tried it but have heard favourable reports and no need to go to the post office.

I have the same problem every time I try and get tax. Even had an occasion where my girlfriend had to transfer my car into her name so she could buy road tax for my car... and the woman insisted that she would return the V5 to the DVLA. who knows what she was thinking.

Did she have a tash by any chance?

Hellfire - 22/6/05 at 12:15 PM

BINGO Different Post Office - no questions asked - Tax Disc issued.

Hellfire officially back on the road!!!. Well.... from Saturday 25th, when the insurance cover starts.

That'll teach em..... F**king beaurocrats.

andyps - 22/6/05 at 12:26 PM

Surprised you managed to get a tax disc before the insurance is valid - I tried that once and got turned down. The insurance cover note was wrong, the car was already insured, but even when accompanied by a fax from the company there was no way i could get the tax.

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/6/05 at 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire

Hellfire officially back on the road!!!. Well.... from Saturday 25th, when the insurance cover starts.

Now dont break this one!
Well done when are you doing the third one!!! lol

Fozzie - 22/6/05 at 01:05 PM

The fozzmobile is 1 year old on Saturday, and got the car tax reminder yesterday. Loads of gumpf saying to do it on line, so I gave it a go! Brilliant! a very quick and easy task to do.They only accept Debit cards at the moment tho.
I was thinking to will they know if I am insured or not?.....but believe me they do! after hitting the 'pay now' button, I saw 'insurance confirmed' pop up!
Very painless I must say, and highly recommended by moi!


James - 22/6/05 at 01:10 PM

By the time mine's finished they'll let you SVA online!


Fozzie - 22/6/05 at 01:14 PM

Originally posted by James
By the time mine's finished they'll let you SVA online!


I just knew you were taking ya time for a good reason James!....tee-hee


David Jenkins - 22/6/05 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie

I was thinking to will they know if I am insured or not?.....but believe me they do! after hitting the 'pay now' button, I saw 'insurance confirmed' pop up!

Big Brother is watching! (no, not the TV cr*p)

The insurance companies are now obliged to share their data with the DVLA, so they can immediately tell whether you're covered.


Fozzie - 22/6/05 at 01:28 PM

You are so right! Apparently there are new style MOT certs out this year, and they will be able to 'tell' in exactly they way you described above.
Big Brother alive and well


donut - 22/6/05 at 02:46 PM

My brothers only little

theconrodkid - 22/6/05 at 03:05 PM

my mot this week,how the years fly

ned - 22/6/05 at 03:06 PM

my brother's younger than I am, but I wouldn't say he is little.

Petemate - 22/6/05 at 03:06 PM

Hi All
Wouldn't you think that the Post Offices, considering they have barcode facilities etc etc, could somehow check like the DVLA re insurance validity? As prev posted - f****ng beurocrats. Our local sub PO is just as bad. Last year when the tax went up, I was taxing my Metro diesel and they stung me for the increase when it wasn't due yet. I queried it, and the old bag behind the counter stuck to her guns. Armed with the disc, and with a red mist in front of me, I got home, rang Swansea, and was told the PO shouldn't have charged me the new rate. They asked me to send a copy of the disc, and within a few days I had a cheque for the amount overcharged, with an apologetic letter on behalf of the PO involved. It gave me great pleasure to go to the PO and present the same old bag with the letter for her perusal - just a nod and no apology. I said "I knew you wouldn't apologise, don't worry Swansea have done it already. Just remember the customer is sometimes right" The two times since that I've taxed the car she has given me a funny look....
Rant over, I feel better having shared that