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this surely should be in the madhouse
JoelP - 6/7/05 at 10:06 PM

3 years? thats a joke

EddThompson - 6/7/05 at 10:21 PM

wonder how long youd get for blowing up a speed camera???

seems like madness to me.


Petemate - 6/7/05 at 10:34 PM

Bring back the birch I say. Some years ago I read something to the effect that no-one could recall anyone coming back for a second helping.

DorsetStrider - 6/7/05 at 11:00 PM

Front page of my local rag today carried a story of a drunk driver that was sentanced after knocking down and killing a 23 year old girl.....

anyone wanna take a guess at the sentace?

£350 fine and 18 month ban

SixedUp - 7/7/05 at 12:05 AM

Were there any mitigating circumstances? It certainly sounds like a remarkably lenient sentence, particularly if the guy was drunk. I'm amazed he didnt get something custodial, and significant.

NS Dev - 7/7/05 at 07:03 AM

I dearly hope there are some mitigating circumstances!!!!

I was fined £350 (and given 8 penalty points) for "driving without reasonable consideration for other road users" when I scared a horse whilst passing it. (there was no accident, no injury, the horse didn't even rear up, and the two horses were being ridden two abreast on a blind bend!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I always maintain, the law is a f**king ass, and unfortunately due to the current methods of "law enforcement" in place I am building a great hatred for the police as well.

tony9876 - 7/7/05 at 07:17 AM

But i bet the magistrate owned a couple of horses
It makes me laugh you can mug an old granny and walk away with a £20 fine but call a judge a tosser in court and get 6 weeks in prison.

NS Dev - 7/7/05 at 07:44 AM

that was the comment made by my solicitor!!!