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Who said the pioneering spirit was dead! :D
James - 19/7/05 at 09:38 AM

Who said the pioneering spirit was dead!

donut - 19/7/05 at 10:34 AM


Jon Bradbury - 19/7/05 at 12:03 PM

Buncha wierdos if you ask me...

Andrew+dad - 19/7/05 at 12:51 PM

why would you wanna walk naked what if you have to pass through some really tall stingy nettles

Peteff - 19/7/05 at 01:03 PM

That's how the Oomagoolie pigmies got their name isn't it?

Jasper - 19/7/05 at 01:27 PM

They're just been arrested for indecent exposure....

James - 19/7/05 at 02:30 PM

You're right!

"Police said they arrested two men and a woman on Monday near Quina Brook in Shropshire after receiving a complaint."

People are so petty aren't they!

And you'd hope the police would have better things to do with their time. Catching some burglars for instance!