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Schooner Hotel, Northumberland
DarrenW - 21/7/05 at 08:18 AM

Did anyone see Most Haunted last night? Thats another hotel off my holiday list! They came close to catching something on film.
Believe it or not, Yvette got spooked this time!!!

jambojeef - 21/7/05 at 08:34 AM

Didnt see it but might pluck up the courage to take the girlfriend!

Ive got a mate who lives up the road so if its really scary we could leg it round there in our pjs!

Another place which you'll have to strike off your list is The Drovers Inn at Inverarnon just North of Loch Lomond.

Dunno about haunted but massive oil painting of people with the eyes scratched out, huge stuffed grizzly bear by the front door, most of the furniture collapsed and stuffed sharks and birds hanging fromt he ceiling covered in a hundred years of dust?!

Not the best nights sleep Ive ever had!


donut - 21/7/05 at 08:40 AM


Yvette kacking her pants is the highlight of the show!!

Did you see this tuesdays one on the Queen Mary? Richard felix was woken twice by 'things going bump in the night' and it really sounded loud too plus 'something' walked accross the camera/screen and it weren't dust!

I have been watching Most Haunted since it started and although 95% of it could be explained if you try, there is an element that really is spooky and i strongly believe it's not hoax or the wind etc.

I have done about 4 years research (lots of reading, talking to people watching stuff on telly etc) into ghosts and there is a pattern to the spooky things that go on. I'm not saying they exist for sure but there is some strange poo going on.

[Edited on 21/7/05 by donut]

NS Dev - 21/7/05 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by jambojeef
Didnt see it but might pluck up the courage to take the girlfriend!

Ive got a mate who lives up the road so if its really scary we could leg it round there in our pjs!

Another place which you'll have to strike off your list is The Drovers Inn at Inverarnon just North of Loch Lomond.

Dunno about haunted but massive oil painting of people with the eyes scratched out, huge stuffed grizzly bear by the front door, most of the furniture collapsed and stuffed sharks and birds hanging fromt he ceiling covered in a hundred years of dust?!

Not the best nights sleep Ive ever had!


Ay, that is a pretty odd place isn't it!!!!!!!!!

jambojeef - 21/7/05 at 08:47 AM

Yeah totally!

Our guide-book said "One of the most idiosyncratic inns in Scotland" - hmmm!

Dunno whether I believe all this ghosty stuff but that place could convince me after a while!

DarrenW - 21/7/05 at 09:10 AM

Ive stayed the night at Chillingham Castle. It was Sister in laws birthday sa we got pissed. Rooms were a bit scary. The blue boy was supposed to be buried in the fireplace in our bedroom.

There was a ghost investigation taking place. While we were running around the courtyard they were trying to record strange noises!!! They got a bit narked with us until we told them where we were staying. After we let them into our room for an hour (saw a fantastic orb on one of their videos) they let us go dowmn to the dungeons with them.

It was a great night away. Not as scary as i was hoping (Jack D kept me company!) but there was some stange happenings. Id thoroughly recommend anyone to stay there for a while.

Oh - nearly forgot - we also went for a walk in th eitch black to the old lake where loads of bodies are supposed to be buried in (soldiers etc). That was well spooky.

Jonr - 21/7/05 at 10:01 AM

I kinda like this hotel

DarrenW - 21/7/05 at 10:16 AM

i just knew it wouldnt be long before someone lowered the tone!!!!!

I dont know, you try and have a serious convo about ghosts and paranormal investigations then.............................