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More hassle on 'the other list'
stephen_gusterson - 28/3/02 at 07:38 PM

Some of you refugees might remember that there was a messy war on the other group recently. In the end, Chris and others departed, and some one called Wally threw his weight around for a while.

A set of rules were drawn up and the first one to break them was .......Wally.

I mentioned to a poster that they could check sva details on chris gibbs site, and that they should search the archives cos chris had debatably been banned.

So then Wally breaks the rules and posts insults to me on the list.

The first one to break the rules are the policemen themselves!

Jon Ison - 28/3/02 at 08:21 PM

I'm so shocked.........doh humbug, build on an sod em !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

UncleFista - 28/3/02 at 08:51 PM

Yeah I normally keep quiet, but Wally's reply to you was well out of order. A 2@ of the highest order

bob - 28/3/02 at 09:02 PM

Did make me laugh though,poor bloke asks a pretty good question steve tells the truth about 1st book and where to get SVA manual online and all hell breaks loose.
Maybe your just not allowed to mention banned peeps.
20 more members for this group then,happy easter and let them get on with it.
There will be no bugger left on there soon.

chrisg - 28/3/02 at 09:16 PM

Hi All,

Sorry to be the cause of more strife.

Steve, message 37779 is the one where the Wally banned me, but if I were you I'd leave the w*nk*rs to it.

Who needs 'em?



chrisg - 28/3/02 at 09:24 PM

This is the text of that message:-

From: "Wally"
Date: Fri Feb 22, 2002 11:45 pm
Subject: MODERATOR POST: Was: Re: [locost] This is how it is

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Gibbs"

> Nice try Wally, but my group name isn't "chrislocost" or anything like it.
> Be a man admit what you did!!!!!!!

Chris Gibbs (chris@g...) has been removed from the list.

"end quote"

Now I'm not sure but I would have thought the words:-

"Chris Gibbs (chris@g...) has been removed from the list."

meant that I had been removed from the list!



stephen_gusterson - 28/3/02 at 10:35 PM

I promised wallys buddie moderator i wouldnt discuss it any more on list unless someone goes for me again. So its up to them.

A lurker posted a real good response though.

Interesting that the moderator threatend any other abusers with the chop, but not his buddy wally.

not exactly furkin fair moderation is it?

The faq gets auto posted in a few days - nice bit of irony it was set up by the new police / faq abusers themselves.

Anyone fancy posting a link to this site? Think it wouldnt be right for me right now!

BTW - is 'book 2' any more accurate than book 1? I hardly read mine as cos im not building completely to book, its only a vague, and often misleading document. These groups are a whole lot more useful.

However the book has never slagged me of or treated me in an unjust way.


stephen_gusterson - 28/3/02 at 10:39 PM

This is the text of that message:-

From: "Wally"
Date: Fri Feb 22, 2002 11:45 pm
Subject: MODERATOR POST: Was: Re: [locost] This is how it is

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Gibbs"

> Nice try Wally, but my group name isn't "chrislocost" or anything like it.
> Be a man admit what you did!!!!!!!

Chris Gibbs (chris@g...) has been removed from the list.

"end quote"

Now I'm not sure but I would have thought the words:-

"Chris Gibbs (chris@g...) has been removed from the list."

meant that I had been removed from the list!



What gets me, and i cant say this on the other list cos I am a man of my word (well....) is the folowing.

Anyone can edit and post a jpeg that looks like Chris unsubscribed himself. Especially some one who threatned to report people to employers and lose them their job.

Second, Wally has shown himself as a person not to be trusted - valiant moderator, and abuser at the same time.

My moneys on you Chris. Even if you did unsub yourself, im still with you cos you have never taken a pop at me.



chrisg - 28/3/02 at 10:41 PM

I should just leave it Steve, they're not worth it.



locodude - 28/3/02 at 11:40 PM

Hi steve
I would'nt trust Chris G as far as I could throw him and believe me if you've seen him you'd know that ain't very far!!!
p.s. He's right tho'. Wally's a Wanker of the highest order!

stephen_gusterson - 28/3/02 at 11:49 PM

I should just leave it Steve, they're not worth it.



Well, you are right and wrong there Chris.

At the end of the day, the locost list is just a few megabytes on a hard disk in America. Its no big thing. Irrelevant on the grand scale of things.

The way I see it is those megabytes contain info that hase been useful in the past, and there are some really nice personalities on there - people whose posts I actually look out for - and some of you are on here too - and its a kind of community. What I like about this list isnt the tech info, its the joking and fun that just does not exist anymore on the locost list.

1600 posts down to 400 or so - they were not all spam and crap.

So, I kinda like being here for the laff, and the Locost list is useful for the archicives, the personalities, and, being there is a way of paying back for some of the help I have had.

Even posting too much gets you shot at, but thats another issue.

To those from the other list reading this - joining this list, and being on the other too are not mutually exclusive - we take anyone! I have kept my word, and no other postings on this will be made on the other list. So, with fair moderators, life should go on as normal on the other list. I will still be there.

If the powers that be seek retribution on me for saying how upset I am for feeling agreived that Wally popped at me without any kinda on list rebuke for breaking list rules, will be a benchmark of how fair the moderation is on the locost list.



stephen_gusterson - 28/3/02 at 11:53 PM

Hi steve
I would'nt trust Chris G as far as I could throw him and believe me if you've seen him you'd know that ain't very far!!!
p.s. He's right tho'. Wally's a Wanker of the highest order!

I have seen Chris' picture. We were once accused on the other list of making homosexual remarks (Heck, why doesnt Rons book mention all the grief you will get from the net in the build!) and I can tell ya Chris inst my type - if i was a raving woofda, you understand

I cant say either way about Wally. Id rather not get personal. But we can on this list cos we know when it meant to hurt and not. I dont recon Wally was paying me any compliments though!



stephen_gusterson - 29/3/02 at 11:12 AM


Looking at the 'other group' right now, it seems that Dougie has now left as a moderator.

Seems a bit extreme to me that rather than invoke the rules, against a buddy, you call the injured party a troll (thats 3 sets of abuse now in less than 18 hrs from those two) and fall on your sword.

Thats silly.

Its amazing how much abuse and emotion comes from a phrase "Chris Gibbs was banned from the list (debateably)". Thats all I said, not a word that I would like to say that just come out as **** , ******* ,******* and ************************* on here.

Peter Ogden is now moderator of the general and Aus lists, and as far as I have seen in the past he seems to be a balanced bloke.

BTW - nearly 700 reads of this thread in less than a day!



stephen_gusterson - 29/3/02 at 11:14 AM


BTW - nearly 700 reads of this thread in less than a day!



Ok - i cant read - 130 acesses tom the thread.

Graeme Stevens - 29/3/02 at 04:39 PM

Hi Steve, Chris et al.
Another refugee from t'other list. As Steve noticed, it's all got silly there again so I've given up on them.
There dont sem to be any power mad plonkers here so it should be much friendlier

Dazza - 29/3/02 at 05:04 PM

it is good in here, but i never used the OTHER list so i have nothing to compare it to......


ONLY JOKING Like you all really!!!!

chrisg - 29/3/02 at 07:17 PM

Hey Steve and Chris,

IF I was a little light on my feet, you know a Barrymore fan I wouldn't sh*g either of you two. I don't know what Steve looks like (although I can imagine) but Chris PTM is the ugliest geezer that ever walked the earth.

I've still got my self-respect you know!!



Very HETROSEXUAL, ask the wife( and the girlfriends, no men , definately not,no)

locodude - 29/3/02 at 07:43 PM

Hey Big Man
Not sharing a tent with me in france then???
Chris PTM

chrisg - 29/3/02 at 08:00 PM

Ok then Duckie!



chrisg - 30/3/02 at 11:20 PM

Have you noticed that the "membership" of the Dark Side has gone UP by 30-odd in the last three weeks and yet the postings have gone DOWN by 1400 ish! wierd!



stephen_gusterson - 30/3/02 at 11:51 PM

Have you noticed that the "membership" of the Dark Side has gone UP by 30-odd in the last three weeks and yet the postings have gone DOWN by 1400 ish! wierd!



Yes, I have.

I kinda look at those figures as a bit like the stock exchange - they go up and down.

There are people that join that list as 'read at site' members, (as i do) and I think they just forget and move on. So, I recon no more than 250 or so are 'real' members at any one time.

One reason the postings have gone down is that the Aussies all left during the hassle of one month ago, during which Chris was a casualty. The aussie list is doing quite well if you check.

I recon there are also a lot of people who dare not post, cos they see the kinda shyte that gets thrown at you. Just mentioning you Chris is enought to get me in trouble and have a whole load of rantings coming my way.

The 'other list' has fallen back to the level of postings it was getting two years ago.



Jon Ison - 1/4/02 at 05:18 PM

well the list as now turned into a dating agency........strange, michelle looked ok to me (.) (.)<---------michelle's bits.

stephen_gusterson - 1/4/02 at 07:09 PM

well the list as now turned into a dating agency........strange, michelle looked ok to me (.) (.)<---------michelle's bits.

There's a also a post on there about TV violence now.....

Perhaps a new phase of crap is about to awash the 'other' leat this time its not gonna involve me! (or chris)

Whos mere mention of the name is enougth to drive a wally into a frenzy



chrisg - 1/4/02 at 08:17 PM

Hi Steve,

Post this:-

{to the tune of the Monty Python spam song}




theconrodkid - 1/4/02 at 09:11 PM

There all ausies so wouldnt get it

stephen_gusterson - 1/4/02 at 10:42 PM

Hi Steve,

Post this:-

{to the tune of the Monty Python spam song}




Actually, i dont recon thats abusive enough for the 'other list' - anyway, all the people that dont like you have gone away with their heads hung in shame, so you could now Chris.........

Peter Ogden has woken up though to the news he now has three locost lists to his name, and is rattling his sabre slightly.

Thats not rude btw



David Jenkins - 2/4/02 at 08:10 AM

I agree with Steve - just leave the other group alone to sort themselves out. It's interesting that this little spat fizzled out within a day or so - most people made a point of not getting involved and perpetuating the row.

I also agree that people (like me) can be members of both lists without any conflict.

The 2 stroppy owner/moderators seem to have gone, so things may quieten down. I've had dealings with Peter Ogden in the past - seems like a gentleman, so let's not give him a hard time, eh?

Good grief, I've agreed with Steve on three counts - that's a first!


stephen_gusterson - 2/4/02 at 08:42 AM


Good grief, I've agreed with Steve on three counts - that's a first!


Yep, but you are after me sending you a copy of that software manual

When I was involved in hassle on tother list in the past, the only moderator with any reason or 'go' in him was mr Ogden, and he seemed fair and sensible. So, there's an agreement back at cha.



David Jenkins - 2/4/02 at 09:26 AM


Yep, but you are after me sending you a copy of that software manual

I'm not afraid to grovel if it serves my needs...

Dunc - 5/4/02 at 07:06 AM

Whats the web address of this other list, I fancy a swatch at it to see what all the fuss is about.


bob - 5/4/02 at 08:12 AM


It only blows up now and again,next one will be start of the summer hols.
I've calculated this because they were at it before xmas and then easter,so its obvious they hate kids.

stephen_gusterson - 5/4/02 at 08:34 AM


It only blows up now and again,next one will be start of the summer hols.
I've calculated this because they were at it before xmas and then easter,so its obvious they hate kids.

Good Theory.

It looks to me though that its at least every 4-6 weeks.



Just look for a Wally or DonDavis post, or Roycewhatsit.

Dunc - 5/4/02 at 11:59 AM

4 fox sake, I see what you mean about Wally. From what I read of his posts he has contributed nothing useful to the list. Just being bitchy to everyone with all that back talk, justifying his existence and all that. What was that wee about aliens, does he know what a Locost is, I think not.

But I guessed his job, thought it would either be traffic cop or IT. IT it was. No-one else can be that much of a tosser and work anywhere else. No offence to anyone working in IT on this list, but from my experiences with my own company IT group I know these guys are on a constant power trip. Never have the works of 'Dilbert' been so true.

stephen_gusterson - 5/4/02 at 01:08 PM

4 fox sake, I see what you mean about Wally. From what I read of his posts he has contributed nothing useful to the list.

Wally admitted I think to having the inch square tubing in his swept garage at the point he was made a temporary moderator. Does that count?

DonDavis to me is worse, cos hes just a sarchastic critical obnoxious human being. Theres a fantastic post from him in the USA group about making up the front trapezoidal frame.

Shame he's not a more talkative nice guy - the ford merkur 2.3l turbo motor he's using seems really interesting

Anyway, room for all I recon. Even the less worthy.



Dunc - 5/4/02 at 01:45 PM


Read the sarcastic posts, some folk can be right wankers. Although I haven't seen pics of yours I think using square tubes for wishbones is an excellent idea, comparing like for like they would be approx 25% heavier than round but would be 70% stiffer. I'm now considering using square for the rear wishbone.


stephen_gusterson - 5/4/02 at 03:31 PM


Read the sarcastic posts, some folk can be right wankers. Although I haven't seen pics of yours I think using square tubes for wishbones is an excellent idea, comparing like for like they would be approx 25% heavier than round but would be 70% stiffer. I'm now considering using square for the rear wishbone.


Yeah - how I would have loved to have given Donny both barrels in reply - but gotta be nice

You have to remember that my wishbones will be covered by a wing (Morgan like) so it dont matter what they look like. However, I recon they would look quite nice if chromed -mine are painted black.

I am not too happy the way the top ones turned out, so im going to do them again.

My car uses rod ends (rose joints). The plan is to get two 25mm x 25mm x 35mm steel blocks machined and tapped M16. These are the ends of the 'bones' at the pivot point where they thread to the rose joints. At the Transit rod end, I plan to get a similar block, tapped M18 x 1.5 fine, and weld at an angle, ala MK indy 'bones. I recon thats gonna be really strong and look quite nice - till it gets painted black!

Go and be different!



chrisg - 5/4/02 at 06:30 PM



Anyway, room for all I recon. Even the less worthy


Not ALL,


