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"Which country should we invade next?"
James - 18/10/05 at 01:33 PM


Of course, thinking about it, I'm sure you could edit/select your filming to get that sort of public response in any country of the world....

... this one just *happens* to be the US...


flak monkey - 18/10/05 at 01:40 PM how they have moved coutries around...

James - 18/10/05 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
love how they have moved coutries around...

Iran... Australia... hey, what's the difference!


[Edited on 18/10/05 by James]

MikeR - 18/10/05 at 02:10 PM

doesn't work for me!

but googled and found .......

but it didn't work, another link did tho!

not really fair that they've labelled the countries ......... but you'd think someone would realise that they are wrong. Perhaps they did and they are only showing the complete and utter idiots

[Edited on 18/10/05 by MikeR]

nick205 - 18/10/05 at 02:32 PM


just how bad can it get?

suparuss - 18/10/05 at 03:30 PM

read the rolling headlines at the bottom, very funny

pbura - 18/10/05 at 03:30 PM

They didn't show Test #2, Finding Your Ass with a Funnel

MikeR - 18/10/05 at 04:01 PM

or test #3 spell potatoe, errm, potateow, errm,potatoewoeoeoe

oh damit, spell spuds!