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New Terrorists
Hellfire - 21/10/05 at 11:17 PM

Today I was shot at in my car by a kid standing at the side of the road with a pistol (possibly air pistol) the offender was wearing a eyehole balaclava and was possibly aged 10-11 yrs old.

I negotiated a crossroads and parked up behind a few cars where I could still view him whilst calling the police.

The lad must have shot another 6 cars before another car stopped and went into the house where he was "playing" the (lady(?)) driver of the car never stopped to say anything. Before I knew it another two lads appeared one clearly carrying another gun - this one had long range telescoping sights on it - may have been a rifle but all I could see was him aiming at something over the garden wall. All this time I was on the phone to the police explaining what was happening!

They must have been disturbed and ran away - I followed them in the general direction some time later giving the details to the police.

I waited for 15 minutes - no police came. They beat me back to my home though a good 10 minute drive!

There was two policemen visiting my house when the armed response unit apprehended the "kids". The police were talking to me and the radio whilst they arrested the youngsters... getting a description from me at the same time.

The three lads were all surrounded by armed policemen who were in his words... going to take him down.. if he didn't respond correctly.

The result was - the lads Dad who owned the house had left him alone for a while. The lad had got his Dad's keys which were on the kitchen worktop; to his gun cabinet - got out toy guns which were stored together with his twelve bore shotgun and air rifles. The blokes kids obviously thought it great to play with them on the streets.... it's not always the kids fault.

I guess this will be in the local papers before the end of the week... so keep it quiet

[Edited on 21-10-05 by Hellfire]

Tim 45 - 21/10/05 at 11:37 PM

Hope you are ok.

Been saying it for some time, we need this to stop. For some, prison is the easy way out, food and shelter, i think that a better bet would be like the Russian labour camps where they actually did some worthwhile work, such as building the Belomor canal.

I know these are just kids but it is at this time when they are most vulnerable in their upbringing. Even if they were given a caution, they are 10, its not like they are going to care. Do something that will affect them there and then, a beating maybe, becasue confiscating a PS2 won't work, they will steal one, or go round to a mates to play some violent game like GTA (alright if you are over 18). Wasn't there something in the news last year about some guy killing his girlfriend because he was 'influenced' by manhunt? Why the hell are we letting these games go on sale when it is clear that there are underage people buying them?? It is proven that after watching a horror film / playing a violent game, people are more agressive over the next couple of days, children even more so.

As said numerous times before on here, bring back corporal punishment and sort out this mess that the country has got into. By encouraging people to sue, the police and citizens are now worried that they will have criminal charges brought against them!

Is it just me or have there been an awful lot of posts about this sort of thing in the last week?

Gav - 22/10/05 at 12:03 AM

The main problem imho is "too" much political correctness. kids just dont get belted these days if they do something wrong or dangerous, if i had done the above i would of fully expected to get my farthers belt across my arse and i can tell your i certainlt wouldnt of done it again!
I few good belts when i was young didnt do me any harm, it certianly didnt do the relatinship with my farther any harm either, i knew the where the line was drawn and what would happen if i crossed it.
kids these days seem to have the "you canrt do anything to me coz ill sue you" attitude, for example a bunch of kids were setting of fireworks last week and i went out and bollocked them as my car nearly got hit and their attitude was basically, so what you gonna do? i could call the police but they wouldnt arrive for an hour at least and they would be long gone.
If i had of done it i would of got a clip round my ear hole and one from the police too just for good measure.
kids these days should have the fear of god put into them from an early age imho.

raccoonradar - 22/10/05 at 07:34 AM

did this happen in maltby?

theconrodkid - 22/10/05 at 07:50 AM

happens every day in london....trouble is the guns are real and people get killed,about time possesion of a gun ment life in a russian labour camp and shooting someone ment the rope.
cant do that tho cos it might hurt their feelings

MikeR - 22/10/05 at 09:12 AM

The problem here is a few things have got confused.

It is possible to disipline a child without physically hurting them. The problem is you need to know what you're doing. My mum was a teacher, was taught what to do, never hit me and I turned out ok.

No one else is ever taught what to do, hence disipline doesn't seem to work. We've got in this situation because people go too far and you end up with abuse - hence the left wing "you must not smack a child"

What we really need is compulsory child rearing classes where parents are taught how to disipline a child. At the same time i'd be all for society classes where we're taught how to be a good citizen.

(had a major "discussion" in work about dropping litter and following the highway code yesterday! Some people seem to think the law doesn't apply to them)

CommanderAce - 22/10/05 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Tim 45
.... they will steal one, or go round to a mates to play some violent game like GTA (alright if you are over 18).

Taken from Bit-Tech
A video game cannot make someone do something they do not want to do. It cannot control them. It cannot remove their free will. A video game can influence someone, but only someone with a tendency to be influenced because of some mental defect. That influence could be provided from a violent video game, through excessive reading of violent books, through excessive watching of violent films...

Games are just a medium. Nothing inherent makes them more dangerous than any other medium...

Dont get me wrong, I agree with alot of what you're saying, just pointing out something I read the other day of relevance.


Tim 45 - 22/10/05 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by MikeR

What we really need is compulsory child rearing classes where parents are taught how to disipline a child. At the same time i'd be all for society classes where we're taught how to be a good citizen.

Yes, i agree, my first post was more about the children beyond this. I think when these children are at the age of 12 or 13, and have had virtually no discipline, it would be very hard to try and teach them this.

With the video game, this is what i was referring to.

And with people more agressive after playing violent games, this is what I was referring to.

[Edited on 22/10/05 by Tim 45]

Triton - 22/10/05 at 11:15 AM

Swift kick up the arse never hurt anyone....scary stuff though kids with guns taking pot shots at cars

steve_gus - 22/10/05 at 11:24 AM

why do video games have to be violent. Do you really think that under 18's dont get their hands on them?

I never play any kind of video game (waste of time) but the clips ive seen of gta is just basically bad driving, drug dealing and ghetto street culture.

HTF is that helping society?



[Edited on 22/10/05 by steve_gus]

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/10/05 at 11:28 AM

We were working in Dundee and one took a shot at me.............I took the gun off him.....he wont be shooting anymore.......

I hate guns !!!!!!!!!!! and thats coming from an ex Joburg resident. Ive been shot at...2 attempted highjackings and my wife shot in a robbery...Then a ned from Dundee with an air rifle........Thought I moved from that culture.
I think the rses got the idea from the scene in trainspotting.....grrrrr
As the man says ten yrs old get a warning......useful as a chocolate fire guard.

rusty nuts - 22/10/05 at 12:11 PM

A gun is as dangerious in the hands of a ten year old as in the hands of anyone , as already suggested anybody caught with an illegal firearm should be sentenced to life. Luckily we don't get too many gun problems in Cambridge but it's just a matter of time.

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/10/05 at 03:11 PM

Read what the beeb are reporting on

Hellfire - 25/10/05 at 04:04 PM

So far - no formal statement or news. I won't be holding my breath!

flak monkey - 25/10/05 at 04:24 PM

Having been 'net less for a few days I missed this a belated input i think.

At the end of the day its those who are irresponsible or just plain stupid that spoil things for everyone else. When owning pistols in this country was made illegal it upset a lot of law abiding people who used them for legit purposes at gun clubs etc. I can see licences being required for air rifles soon (probably not a bad thing). We recently sold our rifle as it didnt get much use. However I still have air pistols which I use in target shooting, its a good way to pass some time on a summers afternoon.

If treated with respect then guns are safe (ish). I was brought up around them and was always told about how to handle them etc. The problem is those who do not realise the dangers involved with even air guns. A legal limit rifle (that doesnt require a licence) will put a pellet through 3/4" wood at 40yds. So flesh doesnt stand much chance really.

People who abuse guns or any weapon for that matter should be locked up for life, no exceptions. Why should everyone else who respects them and has legit uses for them suffer due to the few idiots?

As for violent games making people violent I would agree with the staement made by Pete. They only affect people who are easily influenced and probably shouldnt be playing the game in the first place. teh games are rated 18 for a reason. Its parents reponsibility to ensure their kids dont play them until they are old enough. I was certainly never allowed to play GTA and Die Hard until i was 18. Same goes for movies.

I play a fair amount of PC games. I own both GTA and Manhunt and they are very good games indeed. There are also games such as Half Life etc which are still violent but it is not depicted in such a realistic way. I also enjoy diving games. However the violent games I play have not had any adverse effect on me.

All IMHO....
