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Burton power website
dave1888 - 27/10/05 at 03:28 PM

Can someone using firefox check out the Burton power website everytime i expand the catagories on the left of the screen they overlap so i cant select the sub catagory
cheers dave

David Jenkins - 27/10/05 at 03:31 PM

It only works properly in IE

dave1888 - 27/10/05 at 03:33 PM

thats a pisser

Mike R-F - 27/10/05 at 03:43 PM

Firefox has a problem with a number of sites with drop downs. Also has a problem with online banking & won't allow transfer of funds between accounts (at least with my online banking) Still miles better than IE though.

dave1888 - 27/10/05 at 03:49 PM

It lets me transfer money between accounts unfortunetly, it certainly looks better than IE

ethomas - 27/10/05 at 04:06 PM

I used to build websites (big complicated ones) for a living. IE is the spawn of the devil, building sites which work in IE and are standards compliant enough to work in Safari, Firefox etc is a nightmare.

David Jenkins - 27/10/05 at 04:17 PM

Decent website designers test their creations with IE, Mozilla-based, Opera and any other commonly-available browsers that are in regular use.

Unfortunately, as ethomas says, too many only test with IE - and often only with the latest version.


mangogrooveworkshop - 27/10/05 at 09:46 PM

Download the IE viewer extension

[Edited on 27-10-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]