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Ba557ard5 in Car Parks
pajsh - 6/11/05 at 03:57 PM

For the second time in a month some tw*t has clobbered one of our cars in a car park.

First guy crushed the bumper on my Mk2 Scirocco when he reversed into it but a witness reported him so he's paying for it.

Today someone's clobbered my lads GTi pulling out and scratched it down to primer. Tried to T-cut it out but it will need spraying.

To55ers should f***ing learn to drive!

ned - 6/11/05 at 04:53 PM

know what you mean, I've had cars keyed before and a mate had his car driven into, wing was quite bent when he got back to it

my dad once found a little old lady keying a car in a carpark, he caught her literally red handed as he was waiting for someone else he spotted her walking around a car, went and challenged her, she denied it and she had the cars paint all over her hands!! He went straight to the police station and reported it, description little old lady in a raincoat with a headscarf thing on (this was on market day), believe it or not they found her! turned out the car belonged to a nurse who she had befriended and had been trying to help her!

just goes to show its not always the chavs....


need4speed - 6/11/05 at 05:40 PM

Sat in my car in a multistory car park finishing a call on the mobile when a middle aged woman hit the car next to me, she sat there for a while then reversed out and parked on the next foor up. I left a note on the window leaving my details and reg number turned out to be the wife of a policeman. they paid for the damage in the end.
Got a nice text message from the girl who's car it was but never got to meet her


benji106 - 6/11/05 at 05:41 PM

a boyracer reversed into my bike in a carpark and knocked it over, then sped off.

[Edited on 6/11/05 by benji106]

Messenjah - 6/11/05 at 06:04 PM

had someone put a massive dent into the jag in a car park the most annoying thing was the people who saw it and waited for us only to say "we saw the people who did that" and dad said did you get their numberplate "oohh no we didnt think of that" did you do anything usefull ?? "we told you didnt we"

grrr morons

britishtrident - 6/11/05 at 06:06 PM

I always park in a quiet far away corner of supermarket car parks with 3 or 4 empty spaces either side even when the car park is almost empty -- so why is it every time I come back to the car some w********s have parked right up close to mine on both sides and ignored the two dozen or so free spaces in the same area.

[Edited on 6/11/05 by britishtrident]

phelpsa - 6/11/05 at 06:43 PM

I'd always been told by my parents that if i see an accident to pretend I hadn't, because it means i could have to go to court. That was up until some arse in a white van deciced that on a busy A-road he wanted to be where my dad was and promptly tried to ram him off the road. As you can imagine, 'oh i didnt see you'. Two other cars (behind and infront) stopped, but both claimed that they hadnt seen the acceident, although it was quite obvious that they had. No other witnesses came forward but the van driver admitted to it and his company paid. From then on i've always been told to watch carefully and get all details

Hellfire - 6/11/05 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
I always park in a quiet far away corner of supermarket car parks with 3 or 4 empty spaces either side even when the car park is almost empty -- so why is it every time I come back to the car some w********s have parked right up close to mine on both sides and ignored the two dozen or so free spaces in the same area.

[Edited on 6/11/05 by britishtrident]

DITTO! So it's you is it?

NS Dev - 7/11/05 at 12:33 AM

my brother's opel manta was wrecked a couple of weeks ago by a truck or van while it was parked in south london in a row of cars. there were no witnesses and no details were left.

The car now has a trashed steering rack, two bent alloys with ripped tyres on (were brand new bridgestones), trashed front wing, wrecked door and totally stuffed 1/4 panel (as in in by 6 inches), plus smashed rear light and smashed rear bumper.......................................................needless to say I think whoever was driving whatever hit it knew that they had done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re-restoration (already restored once!) is the next project on my ever growing list!

ned - 7/11/05 at 11:07 AM

almost forgot, waiting to park at the local tesco's a few months back -watched someone swing into a parking space in their people carrier and swipe into the rear passenger and drivers door of the car parked next to it. Watched to see what they'd do, they got out (kids still in the car) had a good look at the damage then got the kids out into tesco's and the hubby went and parked the people carrier the other side of the car park.

Of course we had a note of the reg no, model, colour etc, went into the customer services desk in tescos and got an announcement put out to the owner of the car that got hit. He reported it to the police with the info we'd got, they persued the guy criminally for leaving the scene of accident/not leaving details and we got paperwork through from the insurance companies. When we'd met the guy in tesco's and explained, someone else also came foward, obviously after having heard our announcement as a witness.

I don't like to be a grass but felt good that the morons had got their commupence!


8ball s7 - 7/11/05 at 11:50 AM

sat in a car park with the mrs munching a buger an old guy in the row in front of me starts to reverse out gets full lock he looks to the left the cars turning right - smash- lifts 1 wheel off the floor of the car next to him,He did not even notice so carried on meanwhile making a big indent of his bumper all along the side of the car.

finaly gets out of the space and relises hes marked the car next to him.

He now gets out his hanky spits on it and gives the car a quick rub hoping it will disaper. the guy whos car it is is now coming from the burger van,as he notices his car the old guy now thinking ohh its not too bad f**ks off!!!!

Peteff - 7/11/05 at 12:50 PM

No damamge to anyone else but I was sitting in the car outside the local Do it All and an old bloke drove in in a Volvo 340 with a couple of headscarfs sat in the back. He swung into a disabled space next to the door and smacked straight into the wall in front of him without slowing down. He rolled back a couple of feet and they all got out and walked into the shop like nothing had happened, I was laughing for minutes before I could compose myself enough to drive off. He must do it all the time

ned - 7/11/05 at 01:14 PM

volvo 340 - safe as houses pete

DarrenW - 7/11/05 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by ned

I don't like to be a grass but felt good that the morons had got their commupence!


Nowt to do with being a grass. Good on you. More to do with treating others how you would like to be treat yourself.

Ive had some little dents appear, im not too bothered as im killing the car with high miles anyway but id sincerely hope that someone like you was a witness if it happened to me.

pajsh - 7/11/05 at 05:31 PM

Certainly I'm keeping my eyes open in the car parks these days and I will gladly turn somone in if they try to get away with it.

I'm grateful to the lad that turned in the first guy as he goes to the same college as the culprit and has been asked by the police for a statement. Risking his own neck and bodywork.

I wanted to contact the guy direct to avoid getting the insurance co involved but the Bill wouldn't give me his details without reporting it. So I had no choice.

I didn't want it to affect my insurance as a claim even though it was not my fault and I wasn't even there. But I guess it will go down as a claim and push my bloody premium up.