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Formula SAE
Dillinger1977 - 18/11/05 at 09:02 AM

ideal project for a 600cc engine. anyone got plans?

[Edited on 18/11/05 by Dillinger1977]

flak monkey - 18/11/05 at 09:06 AM

I am doing Formula Student this year and next.

There are no plans, each car is designed by students...but if you are really that interested I can point you towards the rules...

They run 20mm inlet restrictors as well, to stop us building go karts that will do 150mph+

I have to design an aluminium metal foam/composite chassis for the car next year...


[Edited on 18/11/05 by flak monkey]

matt12 - 18/11/05 at 11:27 AM

im doing formula student too, but im stuck doing the wiring loom, for this years car so i better get a move on . the loom last year had cables that wouldnt look out of place in a power station so i dont think optimising it will be too hard

greggors84 - 18/11/05 at 01:14 PM

Im not directly invloved with Brookes' effort this year, but will be next year and 3 of my housemates are working on this years car and also next years.

Last year they were using a triumph 600cc engine and managing to get just over 100bhp from it. Next year they are changing the engine completely and using something very interesting, but i obviously cant say what yet.

matt12 - 18/11/05 at 01:45 PM

i want to use the cute little v twin that aprilia have developed, but no chance of getting one

the people i have to work with wouldnt know a good car if it bit them on the ass, as the loom is my main project for my degree im just putting my head down and letting them build whatever monstrosity they feel like

Oliver Jetson - 18/11/05 at 02:12 PM

I'm workin on our car this year, testin various chassis panelling techniques, carbon fibre through to various honeycombs, hopefully can nick some bits for my kitcar!

andylancaster3000 - 18/11/05 at 03:12 PM

What uni you at oliver? Noticied the leicestershire on your location.


Oliver Jetson - 22/11/05 at 04:49 PM


I'm at Loughborough too, doin chassis panels for our car as part of a final year project for my materials course.
