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tyre slashers at it again
mangogrooveworkshop - 18/11/05 at 10:30 PM

Police probe tyre attack by yobs
Police jacket
Police were alerted in the early hours of the morning
More than a 100 cars have had their tyres slashed by vandals in Newtongrange in Midlothian.

The crime spree took place early on Friday morning and Lothian and Borders Police were appealing for witnesses.

Officers said the rampage caused significant inconvenience for the owners, many of whom woke to discover they could not use their cars.

The affected vehicles were in the same area of Newtongrange, between Fifth Street and Ninth Street.

It was estimated tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused.

Lothian and Borders Police have sent in a specialist vandalism team to investigate.

not very nice little$%^&%*&(*&&

MikeR - 18/11/05 at 10:38 PM

try living round where i am........

we've had this 5 or 6 times this year......

with up to the same number of cars hit on one occasion.

raccoonradar - 18/11/05 at 10:45 PM

had that in my area 3 mths ago up 100 tyres done in one night 6 near my house was lucky myself they didn't do my car.
scum pure scum. would love to do it to them

soggy - 18/11/05 at 11:11 PM


emsfactory - 19/11/05 at 10:03 AM

Its probably done by tyre sellers when business is a bit slow.

marcyboy - 19/11/05 at 12:06 PM

that happened where i used to live...
they nicked the perps !!
....the local tyre dealer and a mate trying to drum up some business

jack trolley - 19/11/05 at 04:25 PM

Situation back to normal in France ...

There was a "return to a normal situation everywhere in France" overnight, the national police service said in a statement.

It said 98 vehicles were burnt nationwide, which was within the average nightly range for such arson attacks, ...

davidwag - 19/11/05 at 04:57 PM


It happened to me a couple of years back, little s**t did about 60 tyres, 2 on my road car. A bloke down the road caught him and called the police.

Took him to court and was awarded compensation of £10 per tyre, paid back at 50 pence per month by cheque !!!!!


JoelP - 19/11/05 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by davidwag
Took him to court and was awarded compensation of £10 per tyre, paid back at 50 pence per month by cheque !!!!!


who ever said our courts had no teeth what a joke. Should've been pedaling in the local powerstation at £2 per hour, paying off £100 per tyre