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Slight difference...
David Jenkins - 29/11/05 at 12:00 PM

UK, after 3" of snow:


Now THAT'S snow!


theconrodkid - 29/11/05 at 12:22 PM

i supose their train tracks dont melt like chocolate in the summer and leaves avoid falling on the lines as well.
a few years ago when we had some decent snow the local depot tried to get the snow ploughs and gritters out,all the tax/plates had expired along with the batteries and the brakes had rusted on,they didnt get sorted till summer!.

jestre - 29/11/05 at 12:33 PM

I have some pics somewhere that show 17ft drifts here in west michigan. My parents old Internation Traveler looks like a matchbox car

David Jenkins - 29/11/05 at 12:51 PM

it was the "4 people killed in road accidents, and a 5th killed when a tornado threw the car" that really got me!