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skip net type thing wanted
bigbriglasgow - 9/12/05 at 11:36 PM

Hi all looking for a net to cover my trailer when i have a load on it. A skip net or fishermans net

Trailer is 12feet by 5feet 6 inches

Can anyone help???



Genesis - 9/12/05 at 11:52 PM

Can't you just use a toilet like a normal person? Though the trailer with side curtains sounds entertaining - maybe you could hire it out?

bigbriglasgow - 10/12/05 at 12:06 AM

usefull idea but not quite what in had in mind. good try tho!!

Anyone else with either a real idea or can point me in the direction of someone who can help


Peteff - 10/12/05 at 12:15 AM

Camo netting from army stores, somewhere like Anchor supplies.