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And we drink this stuff
mangogrooveworkshop - 17/12/05 at 03:20 PM

Scary reaction video link to DIET COKE explosion

Are mentos available here UK side.......

[Edited on 17-12-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Ian Pearson - 17/12/05 at 04:54 PM

We used to do that to bottles of coke & fanta when we were kids in Mombasa.
Aaah the memories.

DarrenW - 17/12/05 at 07:05 PM

How do you do it = looks like good new years party trick. Does it have to be done outside????

donut - 17/12/05 at 07:25 PM

Naahh mate, you do it inside, Coke and Mentos mints...... tell us how you got on!!

DarrenW - 17/12/05 at 08:15 PM

Do i tke it in a crowded living room, 3 litre bottle and 2 packets of mentos will be a success??

raccoonradar - 17/12/05 at 08:53 PM

would be more fun if you get the top back on & run BANG!!!!!!!!!
Not as fun or silly as propane bomb
Takes me back, the sound of ring ears

Lawnmower - 17/12/05 at 09:06 PM

we used to do that with lucozade sweets!

MikeR - 18/12/05 at 12:04 AM

so in the uk what sweets do you use ?

JonBowden - 18/12/05 at 09:54 AM


Not as fun or silly as propane bomb

so, how did you make these ?

wilkingj - 18/12/05 at 10:44 AM

I would suggest extreme care with loud bangs... especially in the current "terrorist aware" climate.

You dont want to be arrested and held for days whilst they ransack your home looking for things that are not there, or being interrrogated for hours trying to explain it was a joke / experiment. The authorities take loud Bangs very seriously... ie a terrorist testing his toys before deployment etc.

Remember its Xmas Hols next weekend... do you want to spend it under lock and key?

Wait till the new year


Consider the safety aspect as well... My cousin nearly lost his sight playing with a solid fuel rocket he and his brother made.
The mix was tempermental..
The flame front is fast and hot... Nasty facial burns resulted.
Fun when it works (safely)
NOT FUN when it all goes wrong.
Best left alone. - Dont spoil your Xmas.

[Edited on 18/12/2005 by wilkingj]

wilkingj - 18/12/05 at 10:51 AM

BTW... Just put a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of coke!. Should give similar results.
Vary the mix for results... Do it in a bottle ie enclosed space for fountain effect.

All from memory.

MikeR - 18/12/05 at 12:01 PM

I h ad some fun making a beer can launcher (*). One Bonfire night i made another and tested it in my drive way (i was working on the theory that the loud bang would just be put down to a firework).

Got it to work and ran in the house, the bang was that loud it was reverberating round the street.

Daren't look out the window in case the neighbours had come out and saw me

(*) very simple design, taught by ex-Raf bomb disposal engineer!