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Firefox 1.5 update/download
Hellfire - 2/2/06 at 12:50 PM

has just been released...


davidcarr - 2/2/06 at 01:35 PM

On similar subject, since we're at it, IE 7 Beta 2 is also out (since yesterday). Not bad. Trying it instead of Firefox for today Not sure which I like most yet.

britishtrident - 2/2/06 at 03:38 PM

I did a fresh install of Win98se for someone last week and did the MS update thing and got a really up to date version of IE --- it had a lot of changes to the menu bar, I didn't check the version info but I think that one was only still on IE6. IE7 I have still to look forward to --- OK lets be honest dread ?

davidcarr - 2/2/06 at 04:13 PM

IE 7 has tabbed browsing (welcome to the 21st century.) and support for RSS feeds (ditto). Talking of which... Is there one for this forum?

Its only on Beta so I doubt they'd install it by default on an update.

As a website-building type guy they say they've aligned it more closely to the standards, although I haven't put it to the test yet. Now that would be welcome.

Winston Todge - 2/2/06 at 05:41 PM

Ta Hellfire!
