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visa card database lost .... yeah, right...
02GF74 - 4/2/06 at 09:43 AM

Just received two e-mails from VISA SERVICE and VISA CARD SUPPORT about visa database being lost with a link presumably for me to enter my card details. Now let me pause for reflection, hmmm, how likely is that? Does one of the world's largest credit card companies not do back ups of data? And how do they know I have a visa card? (I don't).

In case you have received one - DO NOT ENTER ANY DETAILS It is a phishing scam


Good afternoon, unfortunately some processings have been cracked by hackers,
so a new secure code to protect your data has been introduced by visa.

You should check your card balance and in case of suspicious transactions immediately contact your card
issuing bank.

If all transactions are alright, it doesn't mean the card is not lost and cannot be used. Probably, your card
issuers have not updated information yet.
That is why we strongly recommend you to visit our web-site and update your profile, otherwise we cannot
guarantee stolen money repayment.
Thank you for your attention.

Click here and update your profile.

JohnN - 4/2/06 at 10:21 AM

Deleted that one last night

wilkingj - 4/2/06 at 10:31 AM

As usual, its the poor english again...
" immediately contact your card issuing bank."

It should be "contact your credit card company". not Bank.
The Card companies are owned by the Bank, but are not the Bank themselves.

Its close but not close enough.

Anyone who does give their details gets what they deserve.

Never even talk to anyone who phones you up saying they are from the Credit Card Co or bank.. Always ring them back on a number you know, ie on the back of the card, and NOT any number they give you over the phone.

There are a lot of gullible people out there, who act first and think second. Sometimes that can be an expensive mental process.

Avoneer - 4/2/06 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by wilkingj

There are a lot of gullible people out there, who act first and think second. Sometimes that can be an expensive mental process.

What, like building a Locost


davidcarr - 4/2/06 at 11:31 AM

funnily enough there was a news story the other day about a bank 'losing' a hard drive with 250,00+ bank details on it. At the time of the story, they had misplaced it and were still looking for it.

Probably fell down the back of the sofa!

(this is still a scam though obviously!)

steve_gus - 4/2/06 at 03:08 PM

if they had lost your details, they would also have lost your current balance.

that would be great, but could you see that happening?



gttman - 4/2/06 at 03:38 PM

I always wondered about entering false details to mails like this.... logic, that they would then be caught trying to use them.