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New Bathroom Decor.
Billbro - 10/2/06 at 01:34 PM

Today I found out how far and over how big an area, a Saniflow toilet macerator can throw it's contents
when I flushed it without it's waste pipe being connected. What a Blast.
At least it is not blocked anymore and I was going to decorate the bathroom anyway.
Funny how some days start.

Ian Pearson - 10/2/06 at 01:42 PM

What a bummer.

gingerprince - 10/2/06 at 01:43 PM

On a similar note when I was refitting my bathroom a couple of years ago, I came home from work having forgotten I'd not reattached the waste pipe. Did my business, then pulled the flusher. Boy were my feet wet!

Just glad it was only number one's

iank - 10/2/06 at 01:46 PM


David Jenkins - 10/2/06 at 01:56 PM

Sorry - I know I shouldn't - but I burst out laughing at this one!

ditchlewis - 10/2/06 at 02:33 PM

prehaps you could fill it with paint and pull the chain again and redecorate that way.


donut - 10/2/06 at 02:38 PM

Too much information

Rubix - 10/2/06 at 02:39 PM

S**t happens, and boy did it happen. Eeeeewwwww.

Jon Ison - 10/2/06 at 02:46 PM

flued up, feel 5hite, everything aches, well you made my day and put a smile on my face..class.

JoelP - 10/2/06 at 03:57 PM

at least you didnt have it happen at work

dave dickson - 10/2/06 at 03:59 PM

My bathroom sink was blocked a while back.

I was under there with the u-bend undone and a bucket to catch all the water etc. I stood up to clear the blocked bend (girlfriends hair btw - eeew) and decided to empty the bucket.
I poured it down the sink.

Took ages to dry the carpet out.