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Help Required
Confused but excited. - 4/3/06 at 11:45 PM

With the awesome amount of grey matter around on this forum, I am hoping someone can help.
Does anyone know where I can obtain section drawings of bike engines such as CBR 600 etc.
I tried Honda and was told all info of this type was classified and therefore unobtainable (This was at the time they were bragging about their new diesel in the press, complete with 3D CAD illustrations). So I didn't bother asking other manufacturers.
I know that there are full sets of CAD files for Fireblade engines out there on the web, for those with the relevant software.
All I want is a section through a cylinder, looking on the end of the crankshaft.

Honda or Kawasaki don't care which.

I have spent hours on the net with no joy.
( Yes, I know I must be looking on the wrong sites ).
Seriuosly, any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Guys,

tractorboy - 5/3/06 at 02:16 AM

i dont know if you have tried but what about one of the bike workshop manuals on cd from ebay . the one i got for my car looks like a direct rip off from a " ford" workshop manual. just a thought and they usually go for a couple of quid. cheers scott

trikerneil - 5/3/06 at 07:57 AM

Have a look HERE for bike manuals.

Confused but excited. - 5/3/06 at 04:24 PM

Thanks for taking the time to offer suggestions guys.
I have looked in Haynes ( I was given a Fireblade manual ), unfortunately they use photos these days,because it's cheaper than paying a technical illustrator to do drawings, even though they are easier to follow, so no sectioned drawings.
I will try the the ripped workshop manuals though.
If not, I will just have to keep on trying.
Thanks again.
