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mini clutch
theconrodkid - 10/3/06 at 05:13 PM

talking to someone who has a new mine,said it cost £2000 for a new clutch.
anyone got times/parts costs?

Jon Ison - 10/3/06 at 05:15 PM

Ive just pais £250 for a complete disco clutch plus a new arm (clutch arm that is) fitted, £2k seems a bit heavy, think you better qoute for the job

graememk - 10/3/06 at 05:46 PM

i've just paid £600 for a 52plate 4x4 vectra, thats main dealer price.

Daxrushv6 - 10/3/06 at 07:41 PM

Depends alot on the work involved and parts costs but my Audi S3 clutch was £1300 and that was with audi paying 25% as the car had only done 38,000

theconrodkid - 10/3/06 at 08:00 PM

all part of the plan to make cars "owner proof"

britishtrident - 10/3/06 at 08:33 PM

Its a getrag box 6 speed in the Cooper the poverty spec I think has the same 5 speed version the same as the defunct Rover 75 and 45.

Normally doing a clutch in the Rovers also implies a new co-axial slave cylinder -- its a bit like the SAAB one but like the Mondeos its is plastic and not cheap £165 pounds, often the Master cylinder needs fitted as well. So Rover dealers were handing out 600 quid bills --- take that to BMW price levels for parts and labour and 2000 quid only looks like a slight ove statement.

[Edited on 10/3/06 by britishtrident]

britishtrident - 12/3/06 at 05:26 PM

Also BMW chrage a fortune for a tool that allows you to remove the wheel centre cap to get at the wheel nuts --- it dosen't come with ther car.

theconrodkid - 12/3/06 at 05:35 PM

good job i run around in other peoples cast offs

Mark Allanson - 12/3/06 at 08:27 PM

Anything BMW comes with a free tub of vaseline

NS Dev - 13/3/06 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
good job i run around in other peoples cast offs

yea, same here!