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Audi to make a se7en type car?
skydivepaul - 16/3/06 at 10:02 PM

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[Edited on 16/3/06 by skydivepaul]

SixedUp - 16/3/06 at 10:16 PM

Can you say Lotus 340R look-alike? Not to mention that its easy for major manufacturers to draw a bunch of pretty pictures, call it a "concept", and never produce more than one of them ...

iank - 16/3/06 at 10:23 PM

That green one looks like it's got a different back end and off-road tyres...

I'm with Richard I'll believe it when I see it. If the do produce it the'll almost certainly ruin it by load it up with aircon and other extraneous cr*p.

Edit: and why would you need a helmet? those pictures all have full height windscreens...

[Edited on 16/3/06 by iank]

flak monkey - 16/3/06 at 10:26 PM

Very much like the 340R

And if it gets made it will be like other german cars, overweight, full of toys that you never need with a huge engine just for poseur value...

Mind you if KTM can keep hold of the project then it should be a great car.


Taz Surfleet - 16/3/06 at 10:40 PM

maybe theyve realised that theyve fucked up with the new TT and need something a little more basic

Peteff - 16/3/06 at 11:18 PM

I think you need a roof for that to work .

flak monkey - 16/3/06 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
I think you need a roof for that to work .

You will be suprised at the number of convertables fitted with aircon, either as an option or as standard. Its really very sad!!

chockymonster - 16/3/06 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
You will be suprised at the number of convertables fitted with aircon, either as an option or as standard. Its really very sad!!

Actually it's very nice to have
My wife's MX5 has aircon, it's nice to be sat in baking sunshine with the top down and aircon on, especially in traffic.

Winston Todge - 17/3/06 at 12:18 AM

No major car manufacturer will make a no compromise sportscar as it doesn't appeal to a wide enough audience to get the sales figures...

I fully agree with the KTM comment though. If KTM have more than a 'slight' input, I can't imagine them producing anything poo...


Hammerhead - 17/3/06 at 11:24 AM


skydivepaul - 17/3/06 at 04:51 PM

i like it.....................must be an orange and black thing

air con even in open top cars is very nice to have. You wouldnt want it in a seven type car but in your everyday softtop it's fine.
you try driving on the highway in the heat of a florida summer without the air con on. top down and AC at full blast is the order of the day. i admit that all the cold air is lost to the atmosphere but it keeps you cool.

Originally posted by chockymonster
Originally posted by flak monkey
You will be suprised at the number of convertables fitted with aircon, either as an option or as standard. Its really very sad!!

Actually it's very nice to have
My wife's MX5 has aircon, it's nice to be sat in baking sunshine with the top down and aircon on, especially in traffic.

JoelP - 17/3/06 at 05:02 PM

its a ridiculous waste of fuel etc, but i suppose some people want it. Personally, id put the roof up and it would be a lot cooler - cold air and shade all at once! I had a lift off a friend in a maserati, with the roof down and aircon on full. I was baffled, then again, he does have a LOT more money than sense.