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what package is best sky or blueyonder?
tom court - 11/4/06 at 08:46 PM

a bit of the locost trail but i am looking at the deals around carphone warehouse have free broadband but at the moment we use telewest for phone, tv and broadband. what is best????????????????

mangogrooveworkshop - 11/4/06 at 11:46 PM

BLUEYONDER SECOND TO NONE COPPER BASED ADSL IS VERY LIMITED but the present telewest system can upgrade in the future to 100meg for the domestic subscriber

10 is the fastest at the moment.

On the carphone service yes you may get free broadband but remember when freeserve started........massive oversub with all the problems to follow.

On the telco side TELEWEST/NTL/VIRGIN are going to offer a service of flat rate sub call anywhere moby or land line.
See digitalspy website for details.

On the teleside they lauched a three tuner pvr that does hdtv as well so you can watch and record 2 other channels at the same time.......

The Register » Telecoms » Broadband »
Carphone's 'free' broadband just a 'marketing ploy'
War of words begins
By Tim Richardson
Published Tuesday 11th April 2006 14:22 GMT
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BT has brushed off Carphone Warehouse's "free" broadband offer calling it a "clever marketing ploy from a clever marketing team".

Earlier today, Carphone released details of a new phone and broadband combo, which it says is up to 60 per cent cheaper than similar packages offered by the UK's leading telcos and ISPs. For £21 a month including line rental, punters get inclusive landline calls and broadband at up to 8 meg.

The Carphone Warehouse reckons its new broadband bundle, which will be made available as the retailer-cum-telco invests in local loop unbundling, could save people up to £400 a year.

"For too long the British public has been charged costly fees for high-speed internet access, or has had to use slow internet connections. We are bringing this to an end," chief exec Charles Dunstone said.

"High speed internet will now become a standard service in the home - just like radio or television. The change this represents for society is huge. This is the tipping point."

While it's still unclear whether today's announcement will kick start a much talked about price war, the war of words has already begun.

"The broadband market in the UK is the most competitive in the world and this offer from Carphone is yet one more offer in what is already a crowded market," BT Retail consumer division COO John Petter said.

"As for this being 'free' broadband, it is only 'free' if you pay them hundreds of pounds a year for other services. We'd advise people to take a careful look at the small print as there are plenty of extra costs." ®

[Edited on 13-4-06 by mangogrooveworkshop]