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Brand new photo section!
ChrisW - 22/4/02 at 01:56 AM

Check out the time of this post..! I've just finished a system so you lot can create your own archives of build photos. Just go the the photo section and upload a picture and it'll create a personal archive for you that everyone can see. Wonderfull eh?

Anyways, I think it's all running properly and bug free but if you find any problems with it please email me and let me know.

BTW it supports JPG/JPEG and GIF formats at the moment and will accept pics below 250k.

Right, I'm off to bed! Comments/praise/etc below please


andyd - 22/4/02 at 08:46 PM

Well done Chris!

bob - 22/4/02 at 09:45 PM

nice one chris,long time coming but worth the wait.

ChrisW - 23/4/02 at 12:24 PM


Only one bug spotted so far (by Dazza!) but that's sorted. Not bad for my dodgy coding really!


Metal Hippy™ - 23/4/02 at 04:23 PM

Nice colour on your machine Bob.

Oh nice one, that's 200 posts finally....

Metal Hippy™ - 23/4/02 at 04:24 PM


You really are desparate to sell the Porsche aren't ya Dazza

Jon Ison - 23/4/02 at 07:46 PM

wot am i doing wrong ? all it says in the "box on right" is login to upload picture, i am logged in ? i think ? but i logged in several times to make sure, still same,

don't know me way round pc's that well so any help ?

bob - 23/4/02 at 07:58 PM

Its click browse,then go into windows to your pics,click open and file name will appear in box and then upload

merlin - 23/4/02 at 08:10 PM

that's great coming from someone who can't work out his email!!
'ere, aint that John bloke a handy chap! I think between us we will have to buy him a teasmaid!!

bob - 23/4/02 at 08:32 PM

I think he'd like an old maid,tea would be a bonus

ChrisW - 24/4/02 at 10:16 AM

wot am i doing wrong ? all it says in the "box on right" is login to upload picture, i am logged in ? i think ? but i logged in several times to make sure, still same


Look in the top left of this page, if it says 'logged in as Jon Ison' you are logged in. If not, hit the login button (top left again), enter your name and password and you'll be logged in. You should then see the browse and upload buttons in the photo section.

BTW the site uses cookies to remember who you are so if you're using an old browser which doesn't support them (or you are worried about security and have them switched off) you will have problems!


Jasper - 24/4/02 at 12:08 PM

Excellent Chris

Jon, get posting - I would love to see some pics of your car. Especially close-ups of engine bay, gear selector linkage etc. Shame we can have a sound file as well!!

Dunc - 24/4/02 at 01:49 PM

Excellent, had a wee play and post earlier and seems to work easy enough. I'll just need to take some decent pics now.
