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I need your help!
Gav - 6/5/06 at 07:16 PM

Right, im really close to getting a XBox 360 from this site

Just signup then click on one of the offers page then click the I've completed this offer button when you have completed an offer...


omega0684 - 6/5/06 at 07:21 PM

if i were you i would wait for the PS3, its going to be the dogs ...........

Gav - 6/5/06 at 07:21 PM

Too late

Gav - 6/5/06 at 07:34 PM

Many thanks!

Mezzz - 6/5/06 at 08:39 PM

PS3 is going to rule... just got a PS2 and I am impressed

Never played the X Box tell us what u think when u get it

greggors84 - 6/5/06 at 08:53 PM

So Gav, have you got enough people to get one yet? Let us know when it arrives, i always wonder how true these deals are.

My little Bro has a Xbox 360 and its pretty special, my parents have a HD TV and when you play it on there the graphics are stunning, he has a demo of project gotham racing and all the cars look amazing. He has a few EA games too, football, golf and boxing and they all look so good, parts of it are pretty close to lifelike.

Cant wait till GT5 comes out on the PS3, although it will probably be a couple of years away its going to be amazing. If the Xbox360 can look this good now i cant imagine how the PS3 is going to be.

chockymonster - 6/5/06 at 08:58 PM

PS3 may well rule, but at estimated costs of £600 for the console and £60 a game??

gingerprince - 6/5/06 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx

Personally i think its a ripp off

These referral thing do work (well some, I have no knowledge or experience of this particular one). I have an 30Gb Ipod video that I got from one of these things - took over 3 months from signing up to getting, but given I didn't actually need one it didn't matter but it did eventually arrive! I think the fact that they make the process such a ball-ache is the same reason they make their cash because not many people can be @rsed to complete them. However being cheap and from Yorkshire helps the impetus