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This Is Scary!!
Marlon - 23/5/06 at 07:13 PM

Did you know that this was happening?
I have wiped mine.
Drivers Licence And Privacy Act

Check your driver's license information on-line. Now you can see anyone's drivers license on the internet, including your own! It asks for U.S. info, but unfortunately it works for Canadian, English, German, Australian and New Zealand licenses as well. I just searched for mine and there it was, picture and all.

Go to the website and check it out.

Just enter your name and city, and if you are Canadian, Aussie, English, Kiwi leave it as 'Select a State' and see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked

"Please Remove".


graememk - 23/5/06 at 07:18 PM

my god they have mine too

keets - 23/5/06 at 07:26 PM

thay got my weight wrong!!!!!

wilkingj - 23/5/06 at 07:30 PM

Err Its not a .gov site so its not a pukka US Gov't site, I suspect its going to scam your details that you put in.

I wouldn't enter anything in there if I were you.

Avoneer - 23/5/06 at 07:34 PM

And your avatar isn't very work safe!


NS Dev - 23/5/06 at 07:41 PM

gosh I did look younger then!

Trev D - 23/5/06 at 08:38 PM

Oh my god i'd got a lot more hair then and my missis said I was a lot better looking to.

zenarcher - 23/5/06 at 08:56 PM

How the hell do they do that,it's even got these 3 penalty points I got when I was younger.

ditchlewis - 23/5/06 at 09:24 PM

That was an old picture of me, i still had hair

He He He He


john_p_b - 23/5/06 at 10:21 PM

i knew i'd but on weight