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who has extra holes....
merkurman - 20/4/03 at 04:17 AM

I was just taking a poll to see who has extra holes in there body or tats

me I have my tongue pierced, getting my lip redone (was a little crooked) and thinking of the dreaded cock piercing..

so what about the rest of you brits?


[Edited on 20/4/03 by merkurman]

chrisg - 20/4/03 at 10:09 AM

I manage to look stupid enough without any adornments! Used to have a earring but work frowned upon it. Once or twice caught the old snake in my zip, can't imagine the pain involved in having a ring through it! gives you somewhere to hang a weight I suppose.



Alan B - 20/4/03 at 01:58 PM

Oh nooooo not me......

Wouldn't want to abuse my body...

Not like that anyway.....

Peteff - 20/4/03 at 06:33 PM

There's enough stuff leaking out my body without putting any more holes in it. My daughter has eyebrows, lip and tongue pierced and it cost her a fortune (or am I tight). I once put a 3mm drill through my little finger but it wasn't there long, and the following tetanus jab ought to count as a piercing as well.

yours, Pete.

RoadkillUK - 20/4/03 at 06:41 PM

None here, I did have my ear (singular) done twice about 16 years ago but that didn't last long As for the nether regions, I don't think I could.

bob - 20/4/03 at 06:52 PM

I put a small drill through my leg some time ago(dont ask),and also managed to get shot in a sort of friendly fire incident.
So thats two extra holes,unless large dog biting a chunk out of my arse counts then its three.
Hang on no four,late seventies had ear pierced

merkurman - 20/4/03 at 08:44 PM

I guess body piercings and tattoos are just a little more common in the good ol USA. besides I need a place to put some SS and Ti.

although I did have a piece of .040" mig wire go through my index finger, nail through a foot, metal shaving in eye (lots of not fun there)


[Edited on 20/4/03 by merkurman]

bob - 20/4/03 at 10:12 PM

It is BIG over here,my local tattoo and pierce shop is packed out most days.

The brotherinlaw Dazza is the main painted man with a few extra holes in him on this forum,cant say i've met many builders into it though.

[Edited on 20/4/03 by bob]

robinbastd - 20/4/03 at 10:42 PM

One tattoo,done to celebrate the most recent divorce,and one earring-same one for 20 years. Rather restrained in all.

Rorty - 21/4/03 at 01:02 AM

Not wanting to start a political/inter-religious war here, but the IRA put a number of holes in me in the mid 70s. Some of them still leak!
A game keeper also caught my left under-arm with a few shotgun pellets once.
I jumped off a low roof once into a pile of old thatch that was being pulled off, and one of the old hard wooden pegs they use, went up into the back of my calf. That was probably the most painful, as I was concious through the whole episode, and remember every last detail.

stephen_gusterson - 21/4/03 at 07:31 PM

thats curious - why....? IRA that is - were you in the forces?

A guy I used to work with was shot in a restaurant in chicago. A disgruntled boyfriend came in and killed his gf, her new bf, and both restaurant owners.

The guy then pointed the gun at his table (was a shotgun) and let fly as my mate dived under the table. He caught several pellets in the head but wasnt serioulsy injured.

They left the pellets IN cos they apparently grow out! I saw him shortly afterwards and his face was peppered with black spots.

not nice!



[Edited on 21/4/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Rorty - 22/4/03 at 03:54 AM



They left the pellets IN cos they apparently grow out!

That's true. I still have bits of metal, glass and tarmac etc which come to the surface. I had one bit of stone that entered my shoulder, and came to the surface 10ish years later below my tit!
I was just in the right place at the wrong time.

merkurman - 24/4/03 at 12:57 AM

yeah the body will reject just about anything it doesn't like (why some piercings will migrate out and have to be of some sort of implant grade metal) I can't imagine having stuff like rocks and pellets coming out after years.


sg_frost - 24/4/03 at 08:57 PM

Must be the only one on this forum then with one nipple and the old fellow both having rings in them!!! The pain of the nipple piercing is similar to having it clamped with pliers then stabbing a needle through it, in fact, thats what happened, 7 years ago!

PHULL - 30/4/03 at 02:14 PM

apart from impaleing my self with screw drivers and needle files none of that stuff

I to have had a piece of reed about an inch long stuck inside my thumb. it came out in fragments and took about 18 months for me to remove it all.
I think the most valuble piece of medical equipment I have would be my leatherman