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Taxi V Cyclist
Avoneer - 8/6/06 at 11:15 PM

Bloody taxi divers

Got T bones today on mi push bike

Big main road and a taxi pulled out of a side road straight into me

Lucky I lifted my leg quick before it got between his bumper and my bike

Result = bike on other side of road and me on his bonnet!

Worst damage is my front wheel and rear derralieur - suprising I know

Question is, being an Ali frame and stress fractures and all that - am I going for a full new bike?

Real pisser as the frame is a beatufilly tig'd and oversized tube one

Will be a cash in hand job


[Edited on 8/6/06 by Avoneer]

skydivepaul - 8/6/06 at 11:27 PM

glad to hear your OK. most taxi drivers are poo drivers. they think they own the bloody road, dont bother signalling and the mirrors are there for show only!!!!

not that im racist but most of them round Leeds dont speak a word of the queens either

I think they get their licenses from the side of a cornflakes box

Avoneer - 8/6/06 at 11:30 PM

Yep, that's the one

Got to ring him back when I know how much

I know the wheel, forks and rear mech will set me back around £150

Still leaves me not confident in the frame though and I hit 45mph going down a big hill to work and don't want any bars letting go!


R1 STRIKER - 9/6/06 at 12:03 AM

Sorry to hear of your accident. We're not all bad drivers and some of us are even english!
Not surprised he's offering cash. Taxi insurance is mega expensive at the best of times, let alone when you start claiming.
Make sure you get what it's worth, he'd be prepared to pay quite a lot before going down the claim route (but I didn't tell you that ).


Fred W B - 9/6/06 at 05:48 AM

Tell him the frame is bent, you need it replaced.


Fred W B

Dave Ashurst - 9/6/06 at 06:14 AM

Yes. frame strain is likely in fact.

After an accident like that I'd replace the bike.
Get a quote from a specialist bike shop for an equivalent replacement. It's not unreasonable to say that the bike in the accident will have unseen damage that makes it unsafe to rely on.

Donuts - 9/6/06 at 06:59 AM

if your not confident in the frame, then claim a new one

Donners90 - 9/6/06 at 07:34 AM

Sorry to hear about the accident but glad you're OK. With regards a new frame, if it comes to it, this is probably a good place to start (as long as they are paying for it!!!)

jolson - 9/6/06 at 08:00 AM

I build bike frames for a living (steel, not ali). If a car hit my ali framed bike, I'd be demanding a new one. If your front wheel and rear mech are damaged, there's a good chance the frame is bent. It doesn't take much (a few millimeters) to turn a nice bike unridable, and you're not going know about until you hit higher speeds. Wheel shimmy at 45 mph is not something you want to experience first-hand.

If the taxi company gives you any problems, tell them to forget the cash and that you want to claim on their insurance. The insurance company isn't going to send you away with a bike you could injure yourself on. Any good bikeshop should be able to measure the frame to see if it is still symmetrical. Dented tubes are also a good sign that it's bent.

02GF74 - 9/6/06 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Avoneer
Bloody taxi divers

Big main road and a taxi pulled out of a side road straight into me

Lucky I lifted my leg quick before it got between his bumper and my bike

Result = bike on other side of road and me on his bonnet!

firstly you're ok whcih is the importantthing.

from ^^^ sounds like the front fo the taxi went into the side of the bike and bounced it across the road.

with that sort of impact, the frame may be damaged even if you cannot see it.

get a replacement.

as for bad drivers, a lot of it is deliberate, I cuylced 3 times a week into work and driver will look at a cyclcist and pull oout any way since they know they won't be hurt. fortunately I have been doing this long enough that can sense when this is going to happen, so far been right!

Locost? - 9/6/06 at 08:37 AM

Sorry to hear about the crash m8, I commute to work and there are some nutcases out there. It does sound like you came off lightly even if the bike didn't.

I'd take the bike to a good local bike shop and ask them for the cost of replacement, perhaps get a quote from them in writing. They will be more likely to do this if they think they will be supplying trhe new bike. Then show the quote to the taxi 'driver' ans see how you get on.

The psychological effects of a crash are worse than the physical ones in a lot of instances so getting back on the road can be difficult. Couple this with getting back on the road on a bike that you don't have full confidence in can make you very nervous which is not a good frame of mind for any road user, let alone a cyclist.

It's true what they say about getting straight back out there but if you are in any way nervous I would take it steady at first, cycle routes, parks etc. and then when fully confident again with the new bike and your ability get back on the road.

Good luck with the claim and don't give him an inch, he's lucky you haven't gone to a 'claims direct' lawyer.

awinter - 9/6/06 at 09:02 AM

You should really report it to the police, without an incident number your not gonna get anywhere if you need to make a claim.
Its probably a right pain but best in the long run and it allows the accident statistics to be correct. Also how many other people has the taxi driver knocked off there bikes.
Been knocked off a couple of times myself!!

trogdor - 9/6/06 at 09:51 AM

i would deffinatly get the whole bike replaced, the same thing happened to me. but the person who ran me over i knew! only slightly and said she would pay for repairs. being the nice guy i am i only did the basic, it was just the front wheel which was bent.

however about a month later i am happily cycling along when one of my pedals snaps!!!!
was so lucky i wasn't on a road at the time, would of been very nasty! casuse i went head first on to the floor!

because of this and the design of my bike which has the pedal arms and sproket etc as one piece, i had to fork out for a new bike.

so just to be safe i would claim a new frame and ideally a new bike all together! i also thought my new bike's frame was slightly bent as it felt really strange, turns out my old bikes frame had been bent as well. really wish i had claimed a new bike.

[Edited on 9/6/06 by trogdor]

David Jenkins - 9/6/06 at 10:28 AM

make absolutely sure that you are OK, as if you settle up with the taxi driver and then find that you have some injury then you may be unable to make a claim.


Hellfire - 9/6/06 at 11:59 AM

I totally agree with Awinter on this. Report it to the police at the very least, otherwise it's the taxi drivers word against yours and he may decide he doesn't want to pay out any cash, especially when he finds out how much.


Confused but excited. - 9/6/06 at 01:53 PM

I agree also. Report it to the blues.
Without an incident number you may find you have problems getting your money, regardless of what was promised at the time.

JoelP - 9/6/06 at 05:33 PM

madness pat, you risk a lot by not reporting it.

jollygreengiant - 9/6/06 at 10:17 PM

Glad to hear your ok mate.

Firstly it is an offence NOT to report a road traffic accident. (just incase, I suspect, there is/are any questions of injury later). Quite a nasty fine I beleive if not reported within 24 hours. Oh and the local council might like to know as well. (They own his badge & can take it away!)

Secondly please don't slag of ALL taxi drivers mate, I am one and I take a fair bit of pride in my driving.


[Edited on 9/6/06 by jollygreengiant]

Avoneer - 11/6/06 at 01:01 PM

Sorry - wasn't slagging off taxi drivers in general, just the abundance of non-english speaking ones in this area that fail to stop etc.

Anyway, turned out to be a cash in hand job that covered me for a new bike:

I guess I was lucky.

Also reported it to the police just for there records.

Pat... Rescued attachment trek.jpg
Rescued attachment trek.jpg

Gav - 11/6/06 at 01:55 PM

Glad to here your ok pat.
I would get a quote from a bike shop to, just to show the taxi bloke your not taking the piss.

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Firstly it is an offence NOT to report a road traffic accident.

Thats what i thought to but when i rang the police i was told they wouldnt get involved as it was a civil matter because nobody was injured! evan though i told them it was an RTA

Avoneer - 11/6/06 at 03:13 PM

Yep - that's right Gav.

The police would not log it as an RTA until I had been to hospital and been confirmed injured as a result of this accident.

Until then, it is a civil mater and the police will not get involved.

Hence a wasted evening at casualty just for them to say - ooo, that will bruise and be a bit stiff in the morning!

Don't think the taxi driver will even be bothered whether I even bought a bike with the money - as long as I'm out of his hair.
