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3rd edition of "The Book" fact / fiction???
eddie - 22/4/03 at 10:49 PM

heard roumers of a third edition of "buld your own sports car...." Due out soon, anyone else heard of this?

or are my sources telling me lies?

new sections are supposed to include IRS, hoods etc

David Jenkins - 23/4/03 at 08:25 AM

It is true, so I believe.

But RC & Haynes have often had problems with deadlines (or so it seems)


Simon - 23/4/03 at 09:05 AM


There was another thread dedicated to this topic a month or two back.

I phoned Haynes and was told by the person on the other end of the line that she'd not heard of a third ed, nor could find anything on her list of forthcoming publications.




stephen_gusterson - 23/4/03 at 12:56 PM

if its anything like the detail in book one and two, i recon you could have a good shot at your own irs with just a few photos from stoneleigh. They would be dimensionally accurate and as specified as the book.

I use my book every day. I write my hours spent in the back of it. thats about it tho!



MikeP - 24/4/03 at 12:41 AM

Mr Champion was in contact with a number of us around the world for contributions to his 3rd edition. The last estimate I have from him was a deadline in dec 2002, release in 2003. I haven't heard from him recently, but I suspect that orginal deadline did not hold.

david walker - 24/4/03 at 09:05 PM

Just don't sell him anything without you get the money first.

He is a conman - probably why he lives on the Costa Del Crime

stephen_gusterson - 24/4/03 at 10:47 PM

as much as the collapse of his company may have piZZed people off, you are on a sticky wicket posting that.

This site gets indexed a lot by google and you never know who might throw a law suit with you.

Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but to say that in a public forum you will need good evidence to back it up.



steve m - 2/5/03 at 03:21 AM

"conman" ?
Whatever Mr Champion is, He alone is resposable for me buying the book reading it cover to cover at least twice
then building to his design but with my
He has given me hard work, blood tears (wife)
He has given me my 5 miniutes of fame
He has given me some fantastic friends
who i like to share some weekends with and drink to much during the summer
He has made me an indivudule not a number
and he has changed my life

As for his company folding, business's fold every 5 min, and in this business when you can by a chassis etc from numerous places its not surprising

conman possibly, but he put me on the map


Peteff - 3/5/03 at 05:09 PM

I've looked at Sussex on the map but I can't find a Steve M. Nearest I got was Steven's Crouch, East Sussex. He's done you as well Steve.

yours, Pete.

Strandy - 3/5/03 at 07:55 PM

Don't know about any 3rd editions but Ron has a new book out! "Build Your Own Off-Road Buggy for as little as £100"

That's gonna cost at least a grand then

steve m - 5/5/03 at 10:49 PM

Fao Peteff

your very funny are you a comedian