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Defiantly not locost £1000000
wyatt - 13/7/06 at 12:17 PM

Spotted this outside a local Chinese in Formby

Only supposed to be 3 in the UK

Bugatti Veyron

Tiger Super Six - 13/7/06 at 12:19 PM

Looks like a paint shop pro

Very sunny on the front of the car given all the clouds??

or maybe it's just me!!


iank - 13/7/06 at 12:22 PM

On a double yellow, get the tow truck...

wyatt - 13/7/06 at 12:24 PM

I can say definatly not Paint Shop Pro took it on my phone last friday night

Guinness - 13/7/06 at 12:33 PM

Nice, but I bet they don't use it for deliveries!

Agriv8 - 13/7/06 at 12:33 PM


It was at the front of the garage so I nipped out in the veyron. ( I wish )



02GF74 - 13/7/06 at 01:31 PM

Originally posted by iank
On a double yellow, get the tow truck...

if you can afford one of those, traffic fines aren't gonna bother you

[Edited on 13/7/06 by 02GF74]

ned - 13/7/06 at 01:46 PM

well i saw one at Goodwood FoS so there must only be one other unaccounted for if there really is only three in the country...


006 - 13/7/06 at 01:58 PM

I'd sure like to know what camera phone you have, that's a pretty detailed and high-quality pic.


wyatt - 13/7/06 at 02:02 PM

Motorola V3x

As far as I know the car is Tim Cahill’s of Everton unless there is another one driving around liverpool

iank - 13/7/06 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by iank
On a double yellow, get the tow truck...

if you can afford one of those, traffic fines aren't gonna bother you

[Edited on 13/7/06 by 02GF74]

No, but watching it being dragged away on the back of a rusty truck to cheers from the crowd would put a crimp in his day

Tiger Super Six - 13/7/06 at 02:11 PM

That must be why Everton are so rubbish, if the're paying him enough to be able to afford one of those!!

Also, where do they put the number plate on one of those??

[Edited on 13/7/06 by Tiger Super Six]

006 - 13/7/06 at 02:51 PM

That's funny, I have the Razr as well, wish mine would take such good quality pictures. Guess it's only like that on the phones getting shipped to the UK...


Tim 45 - 13/7/06 at 03:22 PM

oo6 - its the V3x with the 2.0mp camera, not the standard V3

006 - 13/7/06 at 03:44 PM



Danozeman - 13/7/06 at 03:59 PM

mmmm. I want a phone that take spiccies like that,!!

Tim 45 - 13/7/06 at 04:35 PM

Danozeman - k750i does pretty impressive piccies if it works this is a piccy i took with the k750 at the TKL at oulton park last year.

ned - 13/7/06 at 04:45 PM

I think the phone piccies are ok in vga (640x480 or possibly upto double that) so are fine for the web but if you wanted to get prints done I still think at the moment the results would be dissappointing.


andyps - 13/7/06 at 05:04 PM

It would have taken a long time on photoshop - the reflections in the windows are right, the shadow is right, and a 2mp camera phone can get some very good pictures if the light is good - and it looks OK to me. I vote genuine.

Tim 45 - 13/7/06 at 05:08 PM

You have to ask yourself though - cameras are for capturing the moment. Most people view pictures now through paperless mediums - only do people buy professional prints done with SLR or D-SLR cameras. So why buy an expensive digital camera, when a phone camera can do the same job.

JoelP - 13/7/06 at 05:20 PM

bit cheeky all the doubt about if its real or not, the man's saying he took the picture personally! The resolution is completely standard for a 2meg camera, my phone does photos just as clear as that.

DavidM - 13/7/06 at 05:37 PM


I thought they were only £850,000.

That's put me off getting one.


stevebubs - 13/7/06 at 06:12 PM

3.2M K800i pic taken 5 minutes ago....full version here

[Edited on 13/7/06 by stevebubs] Rescued attachment DSC00008.jpg
Rescued attachment DSC00008.jpg

wyatt - 13/7/06 at 06:18 PM

If anyone one wants me to email them the picture so that they can test it let me know!

peterriley2 - 13/7/06 at 08:20 PM

ive gotta say, the bugatti (to me) is a very ugly car, and for that kind of price, id want something a little prettier than just a status symbol... if i remember correctly, the veyron does 0-60 in 2.6secs, the ultima does it in 2.7- so its not overly overly better on performance than a much cheaper car- its only the top speed that is much different- which at anywhere apart from an airfield is pretty useless.
in my opinion, id much more like to look up to someone whos put in the time and effort to make a beautiful car (locost) than used a credit card to take credit for chinese slaves. thats really why i dont understand/admire supercars any more...

(apart from i do love nobles)

ned - 13/7/06 at 08:26 PM

you think the veyron is made in china and you could buy one with a credit card? i think you're very mis-informed

peterriley2 - 13/7/06 at 09:25 PM

okay maybe so, but you see what i mean- people with supercars think theyre the best cos they splashed out a massive amount of money on the car, whereas i think we are the best because we use a huge amount of time, and skill doing it.

ps. ill bet you £1.30 that that car has many, many parts made in china

IainB - 13/7/06 at 09:51 PM

The Bugatti Veyron is a true masterpiece of engineering, this alone makes it beautiful. Surely it will be some time until the shear power and performance of this car is matched? Of course it is a statement, its Bugatti saying 'Look what we can do!'

Think you could megasquirt it?


andyps - 13/7/06 at 09:58 PM

I have to say, if I could afford a Veyron I might still want to make a car, but it would not be better than a Veyron in any respect, just different and made by me, for my own satisfaction.

A Veyron is an incredible piece of engineering, and VW invested about £400million in it's development which is probably a bit more than Ron Champion spent developing a book about how to build your own sports car. Every report on the Veyron has expressed amazement about how good it is - even those who were vey sceptical about it before it was finally released.

Now, where did i put that lottery ticket.....

Simon - 13/7/06 at 10:28 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by iank
On a double yellow, get the tow truck...

if you can afford one of those, traffic fines aren't gonna bother you

[Edited on 13/7/06 by 02GF74]

No, but getting the yellow line paint man back to touch up where he quite obviously missed a spot might be interesting!



ned - 14/7/06 at 01:26 PM

Well there is now a 4th in the country!!

Popped to the bank at lunch (sutton) going past romans(exclusive car garage) there was a black slr parked on the road (was a silver one last week) on the way and on the way back there was a burgundy enzo and a veyron which was still completely covered in white packaging, must have just come off a lorry, but you could see the easily identifiable shape and grill through the plastic covering.


ps just checked their website and its so new they haven't updated their stocklist yet:

[Edited on 14/7/06 by ned]

stevebubs - 14/7/06 at 06:19 PM

panel gaps on the back of that Ford GT look shocking

ned - 14/7/06 at 07:59 PM

my mums fiesta was like that - what do you expect from a ford though eh?!!

JackNco - 19/9/06 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by peterriley2
ive gotta say, the bugatti (to me) is a very ugly car, and for that kind of price, id want something a little prettier than just a status symbol... if i remember correctly, the veyron does 0-60 in 2.6secs, the ultima does it in 2.7- so its not overly overly better on performance than a much cheaper car- its only the top speed that is much different- which at anywhere apart from an airfield is pretty useless.
in my opinion, id much more like to look up to someone whos put in the time and effort to make a beautiful car (locost) than used a credit card to take credit for chinese slaves. thats really why i dont understand/admire supercars any more...

(apart from i do love nobles)

U have to respect the veyrone just on the fact that they did it to show wha CAn be done, they make a los son every single one sold!

It costs some stupid amount like 800,000 but it costs like 4.8mil to build the things!

For example the stalks cost 5k each to MAKE!

(ok so i get that off top gear but im sure its true)


oliwb - 19/9/06 at 07:29 PM

If its true that there's 3 the third and final one is in Aberdeen. I've seen it a few times parked up at the airport...will try and take a photo next time I see it (as proof you understand!).....Oli.

Very cool car!
(Edit) - Not as cool as the old Bugatti in my mind....

[Edited on 19/9/06 by oliwb]