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Take me back a decade or two
Dusty - 29/7/06 at 02:44 PM

Just watched Tron on the Beeb. Takes me back.
Learned all I know about computers from that. (Which may explain a lot!)
Keep Matrix, give me Tron. Yeah!

nib1980 - 29/7/06 at 03:49 PM

yeah I'm beginning to think the world is in a time warp.

1)miami vice is back
2) dallas is being made into a film
3) theres and oil crisis

anyone wanna add anymore?

Gunner1 - 29/7/06 at 04:42 PM

Greetings from the colonies eh!

I am still waiting for the return of 25 cent a glass beer and 30 cent a gallon (imp) gas!

Peteff - 29/7/06 at 06:05 PM

I'd like to see Max Headroom again, I used to like his show.

billy - 29/7/06 at 09:00 PM god i took my first girl friend to see that, sat at the back trying to pluck up the balls to have a snog in the back row

zetec7 - 30/7/06 at 04:59 AM

Ahhh...Commodore 64 computers (a step up from the Vic 20); new cars where you could look under the hood and still identify all the parts; income tax wasn't much, and nobody'd ever heard of GST; no such thing as a Brazilian wax job on the beach yet . I'm sure there's more...

marcyboy - 30/7/06 at 07:50 AM

commodore 64.
when i were a lad....
i had a sinclair
and when the acorn electron came out
kids have it so good nowadays
i wonder what they would of have made of PING!!!

Peteff - 30/7/06 at 08:43 AM

About the same as they would of PONG . I had a ZX80 and traded up to a ZX81. I wish I still had the 80, they fetch good money from collectors.

DIY Si - 30/7/06 at 08:55 AM

I remember watching Tron on tele as a kid, but I've got no idea what all you old gits are going on about with this ZX80/81 stuff!

MikeR - 30/7/06 at 09:51 AM

watched tron yesterday. I'd forgotten just how good it is ......... fab film with excellent effects.

marcyboy - 30/7/06 at 01:59 PM

next we will be talking about arcade games with fondness like...

space invaders
dungeons n dragons
track n field

my kids love gauntlet they've got it on a midway arcade collection for the xbox

JoelP - 30/7/06 at 04:23 PM

gauntlets the only one i know off that list, great game.

my old pa had an old rubber keyed zx on the wall for ages, one he'd stripped to fix another. I remember learning to write basic on one! But im only 26... you're making me feel old!

marcyboy - 30/7/06 at 05:37 PM

well about 26 years ago.. i was using a ZX81....
now i feel old

bob - 30/7/06 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by marcyboy
next we will be talking about arcade games with fondness like...

space invaders
dungeons n dragons
track n field

my kids love gauntlet they've got it on a midway arcade collection for the xbox

Never saw tron not even sure i know what the hell it was like the games listed,i had a mary millington video but i think my brother stole it

3GEComponents - 30/7/06 at 06:55 PM

Marcyboy, you forgot spyhunter!

marcyboy - 30/7/06 at 08:39 PM

nevermind spy hunter

who the bloody hell is Mary Millington!!

bob - 30/7/06 at 09:22 PM

all those mucky magazines mum found under your bed had plenty of pics of her,i bet dad remembers her too.

ned - 30/7/06 at 09:34 PM

jetpac, manicminer, chuckie egg, mr wimpy


marcyboy - 31/7/06 at 05:28 AM

i do remember tugging something after looking at some pictures in some magazines.... they were in a green St Michaels bag
that i found under your bed...but i was only ickle...
do you remember how long ago that was must of been 1977-1979