Hi, I find more and more of these acronyms everywhere but being a non-native speaker I don't get them... can you help and explain the most
frequently used ones, please? Just add any you can think of and explain, this way I (and maybe others, too) will be able to look back on this thread
if I don't understand something...
LOL.......... larf out loud
LMAO.........larfing my arse off
FAO............. for attention of
BTTT, ....??? not sure myself.
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
IMHO - In My Honest Opinion
FAO - For the Attention Of
Bah not first
ROFLMAO - Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Arse Off
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
[Edited on 24/8/06 by iank]
bttt- back to the top. Generally used to bump a post back to the top of a list.
Also, SWMBO - she who must be obeyed.
There is a full (and I mean full) dictionary here
Haven't seen 90% of them, but I don't do much IRC where they tend to be used a lot.
Originally posted by iank
There is a full (and I mean full) dictionary here
Haven't seen 90% of them, but I don't do much IRC where they tend to be used a lot.
it's all in here:
Originally posted by Humbug
Originally posted by iank
There is a full (and I mean full) dictionary here
Haven't seen 90% of them, but I don't do much IRC where they tend to be used a lot.
Actually, almost all of them are abbreviations, not acronyms.
P.E. Dantic
Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by Humbug
Originally posted by iank
There is a full (and I mean full) dictionary here
Haven't seen 90% of them, but I don't do much IRC where they tend to be used a lot.
Actually, almost all of them are abbreviations, not acronyms.
P.E. Dantic
You sure about that?
ac·ro·nym (kr-nm) n.
A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as WAC for Women's Army Corps, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar for radio detecting and ranging.
AFAICT they are almost all combinations of initial letters![]()
One missing there that gets used a lot is NTDWM and ETDWM
Nothing to do with me and Everything to do with me.
TLA = Three letter acronym.
[Edited on 24/8/06 by joneh]
One i often see on car adds in things like Auto trader is WHY, what does this mean?
Originally posted by scotty g
One i often see on car adds in things like Auto trader is WHY, what does this mean?
Originally posted by scotty g
One i often see on car adds in things like Auto trader is WHY, what does this mean?
You will either get familiar with those or get used to not getting them!
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