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F1 2006 PS2
Ham - 20/9/06 at 12:16 PM

After hearing that PS3 has been delayed I relented and bought F1 2006, I've got to say that I am impressed, it is a game that with all the driving aids switched on is relatively easy to get into and once you progressively remove the aids it becomes pretty realistic and a whole lot more difficult, the starts are great although it is unusual to see a Super Aguri making 5 places before the first bend.
Only problem is where ever I drive I see a green racing line in front of me!

Phil. S - 20/9/06 at 03:00 PM

Surely it would be more realistic, i.e. more like real F1 racing, with all the aids switched on!

Originally posted by Ham
it is a game that with all the driving aids switched on is relatively easy to get into and once you progressively remove the aids it becomes pretty realistic