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Ebay Account Hacked
greggors84 - 29/9/06 at 11:24 PM

Last night i suddenly had 40 new emails, all from ebay confirming listings. Apparently I was selling 40 designer handbags.

I logged in straight away and changed my password, then cancelled all the listings.

What confuses me is they never changed my password and the was never anything funny about the listings. They only wanted paying via paypal, but the buyer would have been directed to my account.

Also i havent had any dodgy ebay emails recently, and have never replied to any. Do they have better ways of getting in these days?

Link to one of the listings.

This one sold while i was ended them, so emailed the buyer to stop them sending payment.

cct7kitcars - 29/9/06 at 11:44 PM

i had a few accounts hacked but did you ask for positive feedback of the buyer

ReMan - 29/9/06 at 11:45 PM

Postage £43!
You should be ashamed of your self!

JackNco - 30/9/06 at 12:22 AM

check ur paypal account info and password

auzziejim - 30/9/06 at 08:11 AM

were you drunk last nite? thats fatal

my old man recently had some pay pal type emails asking him to sign in and confirm certain things. funniest thing is he doesnt have a pay pal account

hope you get it sorted bud

RazMan - 30/9/06 at 10:54 AM

Something similar happen to me a couple of months ago. I was apparently placing bids all over the place for pda's and gps systems.
It was all sorted out by eBay very quickly and I changed my password to make sure it didn't happen again.
I can't see what these hackers gain out of this - they can never get the goods 'they' bid for or receive payments without revealing their identity. Is it just malicious vandalism?

JackNco - 30/9/06 at 12:56 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Something similar happen to me a couple of months ago. I was apparently placing bids all over the place for pda's and gps systems.
It was all sorted out by eBay very quickly and I changed my password to make sure it didn't happen again.
I can't see what these hackers gain out of this - they can never get the goods 'they' bid for or receive payments without revealing their identity. Is it just malicious vandalism?

its just 15year olds getting kicks out of guessing obdviouse passwords. or brute forcing it. if it was actualy hacked it would take skill n generaly the people with the skill to do this are a bit more respectfull


greggors84 - 30/9/06 at 01:22 PM

Luckily my paypal account is different, but have changed that one too.

I would have thought if they had gone to the effort of listing 40 handbags they would have made sure that they got something out of it!

Maybe when someone bought one they emailed them a different paypal address. Although it was never mentioned when I emailed the buyer of the one i posted.

[Edited on 30/9/2006 by greggors84]

iank - 30/9/06 at 09:43 PM

Bizarrely it would seem to be the same people who hijacked donuts account about this time last year. He also got into the volume handbag business