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nananana nanana batman batman...
02GF74 - 6/10/06 at 11:38 AM

I wonder if they will be in the shops in time for Christmas?

skydivepaul - 6/10/06 at 11:44 AM

they look fantastic.

yes please I'll take one of those

emsfactory - 6/10/06 at 01:19 PM

With jet on it too. Awesome.

Oliver Coles - 6/10/06 at 02:02 PM

Probably wouldn't be much fun when you try and land. full speed flat on your face

Confused but excited. - 6/10/06 at 03:48 PM

Mattress on top of the roll cage?
Forget it. That would mean the wife would have to drive. She might get to like it.

[Edited on 6/10/06 by Confused but excited.]

peterriley2 - 6/10/06 at 04:00 PM

yeah reminds me of the jet powered ones on the vid posted a while back- about time they made something that stops you just being a (slow) falling target...