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Controversial...... ??
Jon Ison - 20/10/06 at 05:33 PM

The veil amongst others things in the news at the mo........

IMHO when in Rome.........

theconrodkid - 20/10/06 at 05:34 PM

and if you went to "rome" could you order a bacon sarnie with your beer?

Jon Ison - 20/10/06 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
and if you went to "rome" could you order a bacon sarnie with your beer?

No but the week I spent in a Muslin country during Ramadan I respected there customs and wishes....

When in Rome.

lexi - 20/10/06 at 05:44 PM

Is Muslin not a thing you polish paintwork with? I think you`re at it

marcjagman - 20/10/06 at 06:42 PM

Exactly, you respected their traditions in their country so should they not respect ours in our country? I couldn't care less, I think it's a lot of fuss over nothing. She's probably ugly under there any way.

auzziejim - 20/10/06 at 06:47 PM

may well be contraversial but i agree, live in this country abide by our rules. like jack straw i wouldnt talk to someone wearing a veil.

alister667 - 20/10/06 at 07:03 PM

When was it a rule what you can and can't wear over you face???

I must have slept through the day they passed that law!

She can wear a toilet seat over her head for all I care!! And good luck to her!

MkIndy7 - 20/10/06 at 07:41 PM

From what I've seen that woman has a massive sack of spuds on her shoulder! telling the PM to "shut up" oooh how grown up, glad she isin't teaching any of my realtives with that attitude.

As for her teaching capacity, whilst wearing the veil it would be severely comprimised.

People in industry may well have noticed whilst wearing ear defenders you can understand a conversation suprisingly well,,,, but should 1 of the people have their face covered you can't understand a word!.
A very good example how important seeing the face and mouth is as to how words are spoken and pronounced.

Althought the veil is an issue it was her capacity as a teacher that was in question and the Local authority was cleared of the charges of unfair dismisal weren't they?

DIY Si - 20/10/06 at 07:48 PM

In general, I couldn't give a balls either way, but if it affects what your doing, and in this case I believe it does, then it should be removed.
As another related point, does anyone with a veil have to remove it at the Bluewater (?) Centre, just as those with hoodies do?

JoelP - 20/10/06 at 08:00 PM

my wifes favourite memory is being taught bangladesh in her first year at school just because it was a foreign teacher and half the class was foreign. Fuggin incompetence, let the parents teach what they want, the teachers should stick to the curriculum (sp?).

As for the veil, it is rude to wear one IMHO, we dont want to be england with a few corners of whatever, its england through and through. Plus its insulting, as it implys that men are all perverts oogling women. Ahem....

Alan B - 20/10/06 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by JoelP implys that men are all perverts oogling women. Ahem....

And we aren't?

alister667 - 20/10/06 at 08:41 PM

OK it's fair enough where it directly affects a job or an ability to perform a function, however I was under the impression we were talking about "when in Rome" ie, when in Britian, as opposed to specific workplace rules.

In general I have a *slight* preference to talk to a woman without a veil, however if she prefers to wear one, I'm not bothered.

Same with bras really

Confused but excited. - 20/10/06 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by alister667
When was it a rule what you can and can't wear over you face???

I must have slept through the day they passed that law!

She can wear a toilet seat over her head for all I care!! And good luck to her!

While you were asleep, British Nationals were stopped from wearing baseball caps in most pubs, banks and some shops.
If your child went to that school, wouldn't you want positive identification of any adult entering the premises never mind positive ID of teachers. Or aren't schools potential targets for perverts and terrorists?
Persinally I cannot think of anything more terrifying than finding out that some scumbag has taken my kids hostage.!

alister667 - 20/10/06 at 09:19 PM

I think you missed the 'Hang the paedo's' bit of your speech.

Won't somebody think of the children?

David Jenkins - 20/10/06 at 09:28 PM

I just wish that there could be some flexibility on BOTH sides - she could appreciate that wearing a veil isn't appropriate when teaching children, others could appreciate that she has the right to do what she wants when it IS appropriate.

02GF74 - 20/10/06 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by alister667
When was it a rule what you can and can't wear over you face???

I must have slept through the day they passed that law!

well you must have been sleeping; ther was someon in the news recentlly that was protesting by wearing a diving mask in a shopping cnetre and he was arrested.

This veil wearingting is something that has happened recently - muslims have been in this country since 50s/60s - my own opiniton is that a lot of this is just to stir up trouble. mainly b y those born in UK, then call in the religious/race card.

Some of the muslim africans do by tradition wear the full caboodle though.

[Edited on 20/10/06 by 02GF74]

DIY Si - 20/10/06 at 09:55 PM

Do Muslims get asked to remove them in pubs etc in towns? I've seen people asked to remove caps.
Is this a recent issue, ie have Mulsim woman "recently" started wearing the veil more, as they feel more able to/accepted now than in the 50/60's? I can't really remember seeing anyone wearing a veil as a kid, but see people wearing them more and more often now.

lexi - 20/10/06 at 10:00 PM

In all honesty we are being led like little doggys into ALL these arguements by the PRESS. It`s more frustrating trying to find an Englishmen in an Arsenal shirtT

joneh - 20/10/06 at 10:59 PM

I love

If that doesn't work clicky

RazMan - 20/10/06 at 11:09 PM

The media is mainly to blame for most of these ott situations imo. Common sense has taken a back seat and they would rather think up sensational headlines than report on real news.
Just look at the McCartney divorce rubbish over the last couple of days - everybody speculating on hearsay and lies. Why can't they wait until the factual truth comes out?

Simon - 20/10/06 at 11:16 PM

I think it's rude if someone talking to me is wearing mirror shades, so I won't respond. If anyone tries with a veil, I'll have to get meself a balaclava (and mirrored shades). Human communication is done as much with mouth and with facial expression. How many misunderstandings have there been on here, because someone forgot a smilie!

Letter in the Mail today points out that the veil is not to be worn in any places with security issues, tourist areas, universities, resorts and beaches. That is Egyptian government enforcement!!!!!



alister667 - 21/10/06 at 12:27 AM

Lexi and Razman I agree with whole heartedly. The tabloid media just do their level best to stir up these arguments to sell papers. A pinch of salt is the best cure.

Tell me, does anyone think it's a good thing that folks have been asked to remove baseball caps when walking around a town (apart from the obvious anti-chav sentiment)?

I've grown up through the troubles in Northern Ireland, through the 70s and 80s and no amount of baseball cap bans will help if someone really, really wants to blow somewhere up.
Dungannon was the most bombed town centre in NI and had unbelievable (and intrusive) security, still didn't help much. What you will find is that the more intrusive security measures are put in place the more of a propaganda victory you're handing the terrorists.

That said, if you did try to buy a balaclava and mirrored shades on this side of the Irish sea you'd get a lot more than offended!!

I'd warn against comparing our laws with those of Egypt. Why? Take a read of Amnesty International's Egypt Report 2005. That makes Northern Ireland's internment look like a holiday camp.

As I said, perhaps I'm too easy going, but if someone wants to wear a veil when I'm chatting to them I'm really not that bothered.

Also, just to make it clear I'm not out to offend or upset anyone, it's just growing up under a campaign of terrorism and seeing how it was brought to an end - it's pretty obvious it's through bridge building and compromise. We wound up with a convicted terrorist as our minister of education for a few years and a load of convicted nutters out on early release!!

DorsetStrider - 21/10/06 at 01:11 AM

Check out this thread.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering... yes I'm DorsetStrider on there too.

skydivepaul - 21/10/06 at 01:22 AM

its all a load of media hype crap. i listened to the news on the radio on Tuesday and every single story had some muslim connection, surely to stir up some more hate. I pick up a paper and the same hype is in that on the first three or four front pages.

You have to dig hard to find the real news.

Sure there are those among us hiding, ready to blow us up when they get the chance..................what's changed?? the IRA were doing that for the last 30 odd years.

personally I think she should be sacked for gross misconduct or apologise remove the veil and get on with her job. WTF should we as taxpayers pay her wage to sit about moaning when she should be getting on with teaching...end of rant

[Edited on 21/10/06 by skydivepaul]

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 01:47 AM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
From what I've seen that woman has a massive sack of spuds on her shoulder! telling the PM to "shut up" oooh how grown up, glad she isin't teaching any of my realtives with that attitude.

As for her teaching capacity, whilst wearing the veil it would be severely comprimised.

People in industry may well have noticed whilst wearing ear defenders you can understand a conversation suprisingly well,,,, but should 1 of the people have their face covered you can't understand a word!.
A very good example how important seeing the face and mouth is as to how words are spoken and pronounced.

Althought the veil is an issue it was her capacity as a teacher that was in question and the Local authority was cleared of the charges of unfair dismisal weren't they?

She only wore the ski mask thingy in between classes and when there was a male teacher in the room........ which i personaly think is even worse, what kind of message does that send out to kids

*oh no, i wear this because i cant trust men to control themselves around me*

Or to put it another way, you try going to a mosk in a Muslim country in T-shirt n shorts n see how long u last!


Aboardman - 21/10/06 at 07:25 AM

Originally posted by DorsetStrider
Check out this thread.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering... yes I'm DorsetStrider on there too.

why are you trying to send us to a dating website

pjavon - 21/10/06 at 07:55 AM

I no its kind of like sticking my head in a bucket of sand, but i can't watch the news anymore because all they seem to talk about is pis@*ng muslins. What about our boys,rightly or wrongly, fighting in forign countrys, they get a 30 sec sloy at the end of the news, don't no whats happening to this so called country

Hellfire - 21/10/06 at 08:21 AM

Come on guys, get off her case. I can't believe how upset some of you are getting because she chooses to wear a veil. Personally, I'd be more concerned if she didn't wear it.

Gav - 21/10/06 at 11:40 AM

where did you get a picture of my missus from!!

[Edited on 21/10/06 by Gav]

liam.mccaffrey - 21/10/06 at 01:31 PM

I was involved in a near crash as a direct result of a woman wearing a veil. It stemmed from the fact that I couldn't see where she was looking, I slammed on the anchors as I thought she couldn't see me. I thought the slit for her eyes was a clip in her hair and that she was looking away from me.

just somthing people may not have thought about

MkIndy7 - 21/10/06 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by JackNco
She only wore the ski mask thingy in between classes and when there was a male teacher in the room........ which i personaly think is even worse, what kind of message does that send out to kids

*oh no, i wear this because i cant trust men to control themselves around me*

According to todays Sun, not the most reliable scource I know, but what you've stated was a comprimise that was offered to her but she refused... thus her being dismissed.

The school had tried to comprimise with the suggestion above but she was not willing to.

Dazza - 21/10/06 at 03:11 PM

why do i have to remove my helmet when entering a bank etc,
because if i had a gun/knife etc and robbed the place, there would be no record of my face on the CCTV........
But certain"people" can walk into a bank with there face covored up and no one says a word.............


same reason given to a sikh head gear, they dont have to wear a bash hat.....

religious reasons............... hence why i am an athiest..................
one rule for everyone regarding security and safety issues...............
NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! Whatever there beliefs, rules are there for everyones safety............... But it will never happen till someone proves god does not, and never has excisted.......................... bring on the alien landing....... hahahaha

theconrodkid - 21/10/06 at 04:05 PM
it gets worse

JoelP - 21/10/06 at 04:20 PM

i was about to post that john, as an example of a leading story!

First the headline which implys that no muslim will be arrested during ramadan.

The the first paragraph which lessens it to during prayer times.

Then its only fixed arrest warrants, not on the spot arrests. A fixed warrant can be executed at will to a certain extent.

Now admittedly its highly unlikely that police would aviod having my door off its hinges on christmas day if i was up to no good, but its not nearly as bad as the headline implies.

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
it gets worse

I dont see a problem with that, inocent till proven guilty no reason to interupt some poor guys prayers. just get him after.

And it is nly a request, im sure if he was ticking they woudlnt be waiting!


JackNco - 21/10/06 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
Originally posted by JackNco
She only wore the ski mask thingy in between classes and when there was a male teacher in the room........ which i personaly think is even worse, what kind of message does that send out to kids

*oh no, i wear this because i cant trust men to control themselves around me*

According to todays Sun, not the most reliable scource I know, but what you've stated was a comprimise that was offered to her but she refused... thus her being dismissed.

The school had tried to comprimise with the suggestion above but she was not willing to.

Ah i got it from my reliable source called mum. n i know she wouldnt read the sun..... she reads the mail. not exactly leaps and bounds ahead but they do occasionaly use big words.


Hellfire - 21/10/06 at 05:00 PM

What about that Brazilian bird, who has been jailed for attempted blackmail. She's apparently gonna be deported AFTER she's done her time. WTF is that all about!!!??? The government are considering building another prison ship due to present overcrowding and this bird gets to spend some quality time banged up at the expense of taxpayers before being deported. This Country has gone mad. Get her deported now!!!


JackNco - 21/10/06 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
What about that Brazilian bird, who has been jailed for attempted blackmail. She's apparently gonna be deported AFTER she's done her time. WTF is that all about!!!??? The government are considering building another prison ship due to present overcrowding and this bird gets to spend some quality time banged up at the expense of taxpayers before being deported. This Country has gone mad. Get her deported now!!!


Every country in the world does that!

If you go on holiday and break the law u go to jail! otherwise there would be no reason not to just come back on the very next bannana boat and break the same law a few days later!

Hellfire - 21/10/06 at 05:08 PM

Errrrr, hang on a minute. Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick but she isn't here on holiday.............

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 05:13 PM

no i know, i was just using that as an example of how all countries do that, wether you living there or just visiting.

You never go to trial and then end up getting let off n send home, you always have to do your time as a deterent.

No ones above the law and all that... if you could just break the law and get away with it and be put on a plane there would be anarchy!

so basicaly my point is that all countries do it not just us


Hellfire - 21/10/06 at 05:20 PM

She's even more likely to come back after deportation, once she's experienced a short spell inside. Why do you think we have overcrowding? Give her a good whipping and then send her back..... far cheaper for taxpayers, if a tad draconian and inhumane etc, etc


[Edited on 21-10-06 by Hellfire]

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 05:24 PM

its the prisons that are the problem not the system, ill afgree with you on that level.

What happened to bread and water, cells to small to sit down or stand up in, Iron maidens, thumb screws......... ok well not that far but bad food and small rooms.

All this crap about cable TV and Playstations! im sorry NO. one hour of comunal TV. possibly porn to keep them a lil more relaxed. and thats it! bad food and abusive guards. that would stop people wanting to go back in jail!


bob - 21/10/06 at 06:07 PM

Interesting, i'm wondering if when the day arrives we all have ID cards with our pictures on them,will the veil be removed for the picture ?

The last census form i filled in i had to tick a section for faith,ofcourse being me i thought it would be good to be a Jedi and so did around 20,000 other comedians in the UK.
Just thinking ahead to my ID pic,might go shopping for a veil.

as for the woman in the news,well we had a chat at work today on the subject and the majority say there children associate the veil or mask with terrorists which is a bit worrying.

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by bob

as for the woman in the news,well we had a chat at work today on the subject and the majority say there children associate the veil or mask with terrorists which is a bit worrying.

I Dont see why that worrys you, it doent mean all kids thing all people that have veils are terrorist.

but ....
Terrorist = Muslim
Veil = Muslim

There for...

Terrorist + Veil = Muslim


Muslim = Terrorist

(Come on say it out loud if u dindt get it yet, Veil over muslim = Terrorist, isnt maths Fun!)

but this is all in good fun i dont mean to offend anyone!


pjavon - 21/10/06 at 08:12 PM

JackNco, would you still say not to arrest a muslin during ramadan if he was suspected as being a paedophile and he walked past a playground to go and pray

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by pjavon
JackNco, would you still say not to arrest a muslin during ramadan if he was suspected as being a paedophile and he walked past a playground to go and pray

I dindt sya no during ramadan, the report said no at prayer time durin ramadan, maybe im wrong but that means 20minute intervals 5 times a day..... if im not mistaken, that means they wont be moving anywhere for 20minutes and they can just wait till after that time..........

So it doesnt mean people wont be arrested it just means that the police are making a public effort to show the muslim comunity a bit of give.

If hes walking past a school hes not praying so he can be arrested!

Thats how i read the article anyway, correct me if im wrong


pjavon - 21/10/06 at 08:42 PM

Maybe i'm speaking out of turn then as to be honest i've no idea of the muslin culture as i'm not realy interested in it, but i still can not agree with waiting any amount of time to arrest anyone, no matter what culture, race etc.
Why should the police have to wait and arrange a day around one particular race and not any other, i no for a fact if i got stoped for a minor vehicle offence on my way to church on a sunday and asked if we could carry on the caution/arrest after church what the answer would be.
Lets be honest it should be one rule for everyone, and to me that seems to be whats ripping this country apart at the moment.
My rather uneducated rant over

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 08:47 PM

not out of turn at all
this is a forum, i dont think they would be waiting if its seriouse i think its just a request to help ease the tention thats about at the moemnt. im not saying its a perfect idea but i dont think its a bad one. and its not a rule. its just a request, chances are it will be ignored and it just looks good in the media.


pjavon - 21/10/06 at 09:12 PM

I'm sorry but i can not see why the police/ MP or who ever should have to spend tax payers money to arrange these so called headlines to keep certain people happy, because as we all no it just causes more arguments between them.
I do believe in live and let live but there are rules which no one should be allowed to cross, yet it seems to be getting closer to certain people getting away with things they shouldn't for fear of being labelled as a racist, or maybe this is how the media want to portray it.
By todays rules the comedians of the 70's &80's would be classed as racist against the irish for their jokes.
The country has gone Mad

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 09:17 PM

it is madness. ide be the first to vote for the police to be able to hold people for the 90days they wanted, or mosks to be raided if it needed to be done. but putting a face on it like they are trying to do a good thing cant be bad

pjavon - 21/10/06 at 09:29 PM

think we'll have to agree to disagree on that, because while there wasting time putting a face on it there not putting there full effort or time into catching real criminals, in my humble opinion

JackNco - 21/10/06 at 09:31 PM

lol fair enough

flak monkey - 21/10/06 at 10:06 PM

I thought this was a good comment made my one of the people I know from uni:


JackNco - 21/10/06 at 10:31 PM

that just about hits the nail on the head. although i see no reason why someone wearing piercings and with long hair coudlnt work with a partical accelarator. its not as if alot of scientists take a great deal of care with there apearance


theconrodkid - 21/10/06 at 11:50 PM

the reason they wont go and arrest some of the peeps is they know they would have a riot on their hands faster than you could say bennefits book