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legal advice
smuty - 12/11/06 at 03:55 PM

I sold a car on ebay last April to a guy in Italy he payed for the car but ive not heared fom him since. he is no longer registered with ebay,and the only contact ive had is through his mate here in england and even he wont answer my emails now.The last mesage i sent through his mate i told him im charging him £30 per week storage and if ive not heared from him after christmas im selling the car to the highest bider taking what he ows for storage and sending him the balance. Can i legaly do this, or has anyone got any other ideas.

StevieB - 12/11/06 at 04:00 PM

I'm sure there'll be something wrong in there somewhere, but on the face of it, seems fine to me.

Just make sure you keep every penny of what he's paid until you have the issue resolved so you can give any/all of the money back when required

JackNco - 12/11/06 at 04:21 PM

Seems fine if its his fault. but it might not be. for all you know (i know this will sound like an extreme case) he might have come over to meet his friend and arrange for pickup but then them both have been killed in some kind of accident.

Personally ide contact eBay about this. Charging him sounds like a good idea but i dont know if it would stand up in court unless it was stated in the original auction.

If he has met an unfortunate end then i assume it would be down to paypal to track down the next of kin if it was done through them.


Confused but excited. - 12/11/06 at 04:24 PM

Ask someone at the Citizens Advice Bureau. It's free.
I personally - because of the time elapsed and lack of response from the buyer and his UK contact - would have sold it by now to 'offset storage costs'.

MikeR - 12/11/06 at 04:24 PM

who legally owns the car - ie do you have the V5 ?

if you don't report it dumped outside your house without tax and they'll dispose of it. If you do own the V5 then .......... dunno

smuty - 12/11/06 at 04:51 PM

Ive wonderd about ownership i still have the v5 and every thing is in my name (its sorn reg) but with him paying for it is he responsable for it or me? what if it gets stolen? C A B sounds a go idea though

DIY Si - 12/11/06 at 04:56 PM

I thought the V5 names whose responsible for the car, but that person isn't necessarily it's owner. May well be wrong though.

iank - 12/11/06 at 05:08 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si
I thought the V5 names whose responsible for the car, but that person isn't necessarily it's owner. May well be wrong though.

No, that is correct the v5 names the 'keeper' not the owner.

DIY Si - 12/11/06 at 05:15 PM

Blimey, that's the closest my memory has got me in a long time! Best have another beer to celebrate.

Gav - 12/11/06 at 05:30 PM

IIRC talking with a friend a few years ago who owned a garage, squaddie dropped a car off to be fixed but didnt come and pick it up, after 6 months he was legally allowed to claim the car and get the log book from the dvla.

Hellfire - 12/11/06 at 07:52 PM

I've just spoken to the Italian guy Giovanni, who bought the car and he said I could collect the car from you on his behalf, or failing that, you can just give me the money. If you don't believe me, here's a copy of the e-mail he sent in response to mine

Cheeky ottenete!! Non ci è assolutamente senso che chiederei ad un idiot come voi stessi di raccogliere l'automobile a mio favore. Siete che raving pazzi o che cosa? Sciocco.

When shall I come and collect?


[Edited on 12-11-06 by Hellfire]

indykid - 12/11/06 at 09:23 PM

so what did the original email say phil?

translated, it says:
"Cheeky obtain!! There is not absolutely sense that I would ask to an idiot like you same of to collect the automobile to my favor. You are that crazy raving or what? I shock. "

anyone for chinese whispers?