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Usefull files / PDFs / Excel charts
JackNco - 15/11/06 at 07:46 PM

Hey all

Not link ago i stuck this link up

And if anyones got anything else they found useful please send it to me on the address on the page. be good if we could stick all the useful stuff in one place and save some people some time.

Im gonna say ill put aside up to 150mb of space for it so lets see if we can fill it!


[Edited on 15/11/06 by JackNco]

RazMan - 15/11/06 at 08:34 PM

Maybe a remortgage application form would be useful

JackNco - 15/11/06 at 08:38 PM

n some divorce papers ???

NigeEss - 16/11/06 at 10:33 AM

I can't get it to download, Azureus insists "bad header" whatever that means

RazMan - 16/11/06 at 12:32 PM

NigeEss - It isn't a torrent, its a .rar file so Azeurus is very confused

JackNco - 16/11/06 at 04:36 PM

ya theres nothing complicated about it just a link to a rar file in hte same folder as the page