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Would you ?
Jon Ison - 2/12/06 at 09:39 PM

Post a pic like this on ebay if you was selling a caravan with a starting price of £3k ?? Infact would you post a pic like this fullstop ? Rescued attachment poobed.jpg
Rescued attachment poobed.jpg

Gav - 2/12/06 at 09:47 PM

I would of at least tried to make it look presentable!

graememk - 2/12/06 at 09:58 PM

looks like my dogs been on the bed

stevec - 2/12/06 at 09:58 PM

The mind boggles.

fesycresy - 2/12/06 at 10:00 PM

Yep the mind sure boggles.

Pink what a colour.

nasty-bob - 2/12/06 at 10:03 PM

you guys are right...........I'm gonna retract my bid!

stevetzoid - 2/12/06 at 10:05 PM

Perhaps it is going through the motions of selling but not really selling!!!.

t.j. - 3/12/06 at 09:51 AM

looks as if the owner has changed the oil, oilfilter, gearbox, clutch with his hair hanging in the dirt and then fall to sleep onto the pillow

Peteff - 3/12/06 at 10:40 AM

or sh@t in?