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camcorder help
wacomuk - 11/12/06 at 10:50 PM

do you need a camcorder with AV in to use external cams like the bullet cams ??

ScottP - 11/12/06 at 10:55 PM

Yea unfortunately!! If you go to a company called 4Kam they supply bullet cameras and hard drive recording devices for £200. They supply Motors TV according to their website-look really good!! Im thinking of getting one after looking into the cost of getting a camera with AV in!!!!

ady8077 - 11/12/06 at 11:40 PM


If you havn't bought a bullit cam yet, this was just reviewed on the gadget show, they set it to record and threw it out the window into the pond, looked pretty tough



bimbleuk - 12/12/06 at 09:08 AM

For recording you really want either a tape based ie mini DV or better a solid state recorder. The hard disk recorders if used on a kit car usually can't handle the vibations. They'll suffer long term anyway.

My mini DV Sony only works in a fully padded box on our Radical due to the vibrations.

ady8077 - 12/12/06 at 07:53 PM


The ATC2K records directly to a memory card, so no need for a camcorder
