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Road Tolls
andyps - 4/1/07 at 02:55 PM

According to a report in Autocar this week the government are currently putting through legislation about road tolls - as expected. The scary part is though that the proposal which largely relates to the equipment which is going to be used includes the penalty for tampering with the equipment which will be fitted into cars for tracking them. Apparently the provision is for up to 6 months in prison, and it will be a requirment that officials are allowed access to vehicles to check the equipment is correct.

I have no desire for the government to monitor my every driving moment - just think about the fines everytime you inadvertently stray over the speed limit etc.

Not sure what can be done to stop this, but at least letters to MPs are called for, along with signing the petition against road tolls which can be signed here

Quick, before building a car becomes pointless as we won't be able to drive them whilst in prison

zxrlocost - 4/1/07 at 02:58 PM

exactly the point Im making in the council thread

if they fit it ill find a way of removing it

macnab - 4/1/07 at 03:09 PM

or just wrap the stupid thing in tin foil to block the signal...

andyps - 4/1/07 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by zxrlocost
exactly the point Im making in the council thread

if they fit it ill find a way of removing it

And when the cameras see your car, but the sensors don't know it is there the officials will demand to inspect the car, and you go off to stay at her majesty's pleasure for 6 months....

At least, until the prisons are full. Then what will happen?

My cars may well get re-registered in France as presumably not all foreigners will be expected to fit tracking equipment as they enter the country..... yet.

DIY Si - 4/1/07 at 03:26 PM

Good luck fitting anything electrical to me cars. They may just suffer a little as it may suddenly decide to rain inside the car. A lot. And regularly. Until the box starts to smoke. Then more rain to stop it smoking. Assuming I let them fit one in the first place.
Oh, that's a point, just how do they intend fitting these things? New cars don't have to see a garage for 3 years, old cars may not be possible to fit one. Positive earth vehicles could be a way forward though.

nib1980 - 4/1/07 at 03:28 PM

Here's a thought for you then, with my engineering hat on

assuming 36million cars in UK

10,000 workers fitting tracking units (if your lucky)

average worker fitting 2units a day( not bad to make them tamper proof)

working 7 days a week (cuncil job so no chance)

it will take over 5 years to fit every car in the UK with one, by which time some will have been crashed si will need replacing, and as such is never enforcable!

have fun

smart51 - 4/1/07 at 03:33 PM

Next time there's an election, speak to the candidates / your MP. Ask them directly if they have voted for this measure or if the will vote for it. Make it clear to them that you will vote for the most likely to win candidate who will oppose this legislation. Then do it. Only if enough people vote against MPs who support this kind of thing will something happen. If you just vote them all in again and again, they'll do what they want.

ChrisJLW - 4/1/07 at 03:46 PM

Hmmm I forsee a welding accident in the future.

nib1980 they'll just get them fitted at the MoT, means all MoTable vehicles will have the tracker fitted in a year.

DIY Si - 4/1/07 at 03:49 PM

So how do they track the newer rep mobiles that do 10,000's of miles a year?

vinny1275 - 4/1/07 at 03:51 PM

Given this government's *amazing* record at implementing large IT projects, this one will:

*Take 3 times longer than predicted to come to fruition.

*Cost 6 times as much as predicted

*Not work, so in this case: old age pensioners who drive about 3 miles a week to go to bingo will get charged about 6K a year, Mondeo man will get charged about 3p for 30,000 miles a year, and the criminals, who already don't pay road tax, insurance, bother MOT-ing their cars and are driving on fake plates, will pay nothing.

It's just another scheme to make money out of motorists, who, as they own cars, must be loaded, with large amounts of stick to cow the rule-abiding majority, while the people prepared to be criminals get away with whatever they like.

Now, where's my form to apply for migration to Canada/Oz/NZ/Anywhere else?

bilbo - 4/1/07 at 04:28 PM

Just been looking at (and signing) the on-line petition as mentioned by andyps:

With over 90,000 it's by far the most signed on the entire site (you can watch the numbers go up by clicking the refresh button)

Please pass the link on to anyone you can think of

paulf - 4/1/07 at 04:46 PM

The trouble with that Poll is it is a goverment administered poll and is just as likely to just suddenly dissapear or be declared null and void for some technical reason.
My suscpicion of this is that it is a goverment set up scheme to say well at least everyone had a chance to vote for or against and the figutes will be fudged just like everything else this goverment do.
Or maybe im to cynical.

Originally posted by bilbo
Just been looking at (and signing) the on-line petition as mentioned by andyps:

With over 90,000 it's by far the most signed on the entire site (you can watch the numbers go up by clicking the refresh button)

Please pass the link on to anyone you can think of

Macbeast - 4/1/07 at 08:29 PM

Democracy - eh?

Remember the referendum regarding the extension of the London Congestion Charge westwards into Kensington and Chelsea?

1. There was a telephone number you could call to register your support for the extension. - There was NO telephone number to register your opposition.

2. All the households in the affected areas were asked to say whether they supported or opposed the extension. A massive majority opposed it but the little weasel Livingston said the result of the referendum, which HE organised at OUR expense, was flawed as only the selfish drivers who opposed it bothered to vote He ignored the opposition and went ahead anyway.

As a sidebar...has anyone seen any statement as to who will pay for the tracking equipment to be fitted in cars?
Couldn't be the motorist could it ?

[Edited on 4/1/07 by Macbeast]

Deckman001 - 4/1/07 at 10:02 PM

I do about 30k a year just getting to work at the original cost per mile of £1 at peak, does that mean they expect my company to pay them £30k a year just for me to go to work??? It'l never happen, if it does, my company will be wound up !!


iank - 4/1/07 at 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
As a sidebar...has anyone seen any statement as to who will pay for the tracking equipment to be fitted in cars?
Couldn't be the motorist could it ?

[Edited on 4/1/07 by Macbeast]

Where else would it come from? (other than general taxation). A seemingly little known fact is the govt has no money of its own. Everything they spend (and waste) comes from a tax/duty of some kind.

skydivepaul - 4/1/07 at 11:43 PM

signed and sealed

hope it does some good