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Washing machine on the blink
locoboy - 6/1/07 at 06:23 PM

My washing machine has just tripped the switch and now wont work!

There is power to the machine as the power light is on but it wont start its cycle.

Any clues as to what to look at first?

rusty nuts - 6/1/07 at 06:55 PM

Instruction manual? Haven't a clue otherwise

locoboy - 6/1/07 at 07:05 PM

think the instruction manual went walkabout a LONG time ago!

Dusty - 6/1/07 at 07:15 PM

Try here.DIY washer repairs.. Couldn't sort mine but at least got a diagnosis.

gary gsx - 6/1/07 at 07:26 PM

Check the pump make sure it hasnt got a sock in it proplem i had with mine kids have them little ankle socks

locoboy - 6/1/07 at 07:36 PM

i checked the filter and it looks like a bit of a poor filter arrangement, no actual filtering mesh or anything, its one of these things


it had a small stick in it and that was about it.

mark chandler - 6/1/07 at 08:25 PM

Mine stopped because it thought it still had water in it, funny little diapham switch thingy connected to the drum by thin black rubber hose, shook the water out and reconnected and away it went.

Regards Mark

procomp - 6/1/07 at 09:16 PM

Hi if every thing seems ok but just won't turn the drum assuming the belt is also ok it is posibbly just the brushes on the motor.

These are a verry easy job and usually cost less than £10.

cheers matt

seadog - 6/1/07 at 09:53 PM

Yep, I agree with sounds very much like your motor has gone. The symptoms your experiencing are the same as mine except for the tripping of the switch. My old machine would go through the motions...the relays would be clicking happly away to themselves as they usally would during the cycle and the pump would run however the machine was lifeless. If your unable to replace the bushes then it's a new machine time, a new motor for mine was £200 therefore wasn't worth bothering.



locoboy - 6/1/07 at 10:14 PM

Since i have had the machine you have to give the door an extra nudge to get the machine to start its cycle.

Now when i turn the dial to the correct cycle i can hear it click once or twice inside but no water begins to flow.

The drum turns fine by hand but i get no pump running or anything else making anu normal noises.

If the motor has gone would it still fill with water to start the cycle?

seadog - 6/1/07 at 10:32 PM

I didn't actually try mine on a wash cycle when things went kaput however the machine did go throught the motions when attempting to put it on an additional spin.

By the sounds of it it's perhaps not the motor after all!! Sorry mate, looks as though your probably gonna have to get a man in!!

cidersurfer - 6/1/07 at 11:50 PM

Have a look here I've used it to fix my dishwasher and put new bearings in the washing machine!